Results matching “Bird”

Monday, 20 Sep 2010 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Ready to add your own opinion, workout log or training article? Just head over to the Forums, Training Logs, or swing by the Article Submissions page. They're fantastic ways to share your ideas.

NB : if you enjoy the articles, show the authors your appreciation by voting (using the Like, Digg and Retweet icons). Cheers.

Video : Thumb Pad Developer

'Mighty Joe' builds some extremely creative grip tools. Check out his latest creation - the beautifully simple Thumb Pad Developer. Love it.

Coming Events

Twitterchat 84 - Training for Armwrestling II

Love your armwrestling? Same here.

This week we're going back to the world of armwrestling, taking a look at the professional side of this wonderful sport. Training, recovery techniques, staying competitive and so on. Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than StrongerWrist's, Scott Latella (@wristball). Fantastic.

Details -

Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Training for Armwrestling II
When : Wed Sep 22, 9pm EDT (1am UTC)
How : Include #sbgym in your tweets.

To see when it's on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.

See you there.

Quick update on last week's twitterchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion on Tearing. Some superb ideas in there.

For those who missed out on the conversation, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Do you tear cards, phonebooks or just your junk mail? Which technique do you feel more comfortable with?

Getting Ready For : Sports Biomechanics: The Basics: Optimizing Human Performance

This is the second edition of Anthony J Blazevich's superb book Sports Biomechanics: The Basics; available on Nov 15.

Covering everything from improving your swim stroke to optimizing running technique, this is a must have for any serious sports scientist. Superb.

Suspension Training 101 - SttB Articles

TRX Adjustment tab
TRX Adjustment tab.
If you're not using suspension straps in your workout program, you should be. Their portability and functionality make them ideal for home gyms and training while on the road. And while there are numerous variations of the suspension trainer, the most popular has become the TRX Pro from Fitness Anywhere. Setting up the TRX is super easy and its versatility is limitless. This article will break down the basics of setting up the suspension straps and incorporating the movements into your workout program.


TRX was developed by Randy Hetrick, a former U.S. Navy SEAL, as a mobile training platform for soldiers on the front lines. The light-weight design of the TRX made it easy to transport, set-up, and break-down, so it could be taken practically anywhere soldiers were stationed.
Military workout
It's not every day you can strap yourself to a tank and get your workout on! Photo from US Army Images
There are several different kinds of suspension trainers, but none seem to have as large a mainstream following as TRX. In response to their customers' demands, a lot of commercial gyms have purchased one or two of these yellow TRX straps for their personal trainers to use with clients and chances are, if your gym doesn't have one, they will soon.

Of course, if your gym doesn't have a set of straps, you can always bring your own and freak out the training staff with your mad skills.


The TRX (or any suspension trainer for that matter) is designed as a stand-alone piece of workout equipment. You shouldn't need anything beyond the straps and a solid anchor point about 7 feet off the ground (squat racks, door jams and tree limbs all work great for this). By adjusting your sets, reps, tempo, range of motion, and rest periods you can design a program to train practically any facet of physical fitness. Endurance, strength, power and flexibility can all be trained using suspension straps.

Beyond portability, suspension straps also allows you to quickly adjust the difficulty of each exercise simply by changing the angle of your body in relation to the anchor point: If an exercise is too challenging, move your center of gravity closer to the vertical line under the anchor point and widen your base of support ("feet apart"); If an exercise is too easy, move your center of gravity away from the vertical line and make your base of support smaller ("feet together").


Setting up the TRX is stupid simple: Just wrap it around any solid, stable object above your head. There are fancy, specially designed anchor points to do this, but I recommend just using one of the exposed beams in your basement or garage. Once you find an anchor point, drape the main strap over the object and latch the suspension trainer to itself. Do NOT attach the suspension trainer directly to your anchor point using the carabiner; the equipment is not designed to work that way. If you attach it correctly, the straps will look something like this:

Anchor Point
Always triple-check the anchor point before starting your workout.
Once your anchor point is secure, use the adjustment tabs and cam buckles to increase and decrease the length of the straps according to your needs. Always keep the handles centered on the main loop, and never ever let the handles slide back and forth while supporting weight: This causes friction and will degrade the equipment very quickly.

Cam buckles
Once secure, use the adjustment tabs and cam buckles to change the strap length.
There are a bazillion exercises you can do with suspension straps, including stretches and balance/coordination drills, and my video below only demonstrates a handful of the more common movement patterns you might encounter. Don't be afraid to experiment and get creative.

Squat / Pistol

These are pretty easy movement patterns, and everyone should be familiar with the proper form. Keep your hips back and really pop them on the way up. Just remember that this movement can cause more shear force on the knees than a traditional barbell squat due to increased quadriceps activation. Limit the range of motion if you have knee trouble, or make damn sure you're activating those glutes!

Glute Bridge

A fantastic alternative to the squat discussed above, glute bridging eliminates most (if not all) quadriceps activation. But they do require a high degree of stability through the core, especially if you're doing a single-leg variation. If you find your hamstrings firing more than your glutes during a bridge, place a resistance band around your knees as you perform the movement, and keep the band taught.

Supine Leg Curl

This is similar to the supine hip extension/leg cure performed with a stability ball, and should dynamically activate the knee flexors (mainly the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus. The popliteus, proximal gastrocnemius, distal sartorius and distal gracillis will also activate). Keep your glutes tight to maintain the proper straight line between your shoulders, hips and knees at all times.

Triple Extension / Sprints

Every sport requires its athletes from time to time to extend fully at the hips, knees and ankles simultaneously. This move is called the triple extension, and is the foundation for effective running, throwing and jumping mechanics. Oftentimes, olympic-style lifts are used to train this movement pattern; but the variations I demonstrate in the video will work just fine. Focus on minimizing ground contact time and getting your knees into your chest as quickly as possible between repetitions.

Plank / Pike / Mountain Climbers / Knee Tucks

It's core work. It's good for you. Do it.


This is my personal favorite. It activates all those little tiny stabilizer muscles you forgot about, and will bring even the biggest guy to his knees (literally). Maintain proper push-up form throughout the movement.

Row / 1-Arm Row

I cannot stress enough the importance of squeezing your shoulder blades together during these movements. It's very easy to cheat and use your biceps to pull yourself up, but doing that will counterproductive to what we're trying to accomplish here. Each repetition should initiate from low between the scapula: maybe T6 or T7 or T8. Initiate the movement too high and you involve the traps more than you should. "Start low, then go."


Perhaps even more demanding than the push-ups, doing dips on a suspension trainer can quickly become torturous. I recommend them highly.

Monday, 13 Sep 2010 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Ready to add your own opinion, workout log or training article? Just head over to the Forums, Training Logs, or swing by the Article Submissions page. They're fantastic ways to share your ideas.

NB : if you enjoy the articles, show the authors your appreciation by voting (using the Like, Digg and Retweet icons). Cheers.

Video : Tim Hull - Pittsburgh Strongest Man

Tim enters the world of Strongman. Nice one.

Learning the Skills : Dave Lemanczyk's Private Training

It's incredible how much you can learn from someone who knows precisely what they're doing. When it comes to building some real-world strength, check out Dave Lemanczyk's Private Training. Fantastic.

If you've ever watched Keg Conditioning, you know exactly what you're getting in to. Creativity, hard work and astonishing levels of strength. Seriously, if you're in New York, give Dave a call.

Highly recommended.

Coming Events

Twitterchat 83 - Tearing

One of the topics which was raised in last week's discussion was tearing. Fantastic activity.

This week we're taking a close look at Tearing : playing cards, phonebooks and anything else that's handy. The benefits of tearing, the various techniques and the ways to train. Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than the man behind the superb Card Tearing Ebook, the Diesel Crew's, Jedd 'Napalm' Johnson (@jeddjohnson). Fantastic.

Details -

Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Tearing
When : Wed Sep 15, 9pm EDT (1am UTC)
How : Include #sbgym in your tweets.

To see when it's on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.

See you there.

Quick update on last week's twitterchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion on Grip Training for Beginners. Some superb ideas in there.

For those who missed out on the conversation, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Do you train grip directly, or mainly modify other exercises? How?

Checking Out : The Satisfaction Transformation

I'm a big fan of books on nutrition (as a glance at my bookshelves will quickly attest), and The Satisfaction Transformation is certainly in that category.

Featuring everything from meal plans to exercise routines, this is an intriguing collection. Looking forward to diving in.

Monday, 6 Sep 2010 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Ready to add your own opinion, workout log or training article? Just head over to the Forums, Training Logs, or swing by the Article Submissions page. They're fantastic ways to share your ideas.

NB : if you enjoy the articles, show the authors your appreciation by voting (using the Like, Digg and Retweet icons). Cheers.

Video : Deep Bottom-Up Squat

Nice one Dave.

Deal of the Week : Body by D-Rock Complete Training Package

If you're looking for a hand in designing the perfect training program for your own needs, Derek 'D-Rock' Peruo's Complete Training Package may be just what you're after.

Consisting of a month's worth of personalised, written workouts - in addition to priority access to workshops, clinics and other special events hosted by Body By D-Rock - the Complete Training Package puts you on the right track and lets you get underway.

And as a bonus for readers of this newsletter, Derek's offering a massive 50% discount to the first 5 people to sign up.


Coming Events

Twitterchat 82 - Grip Training for Beginners

I love grip training. Challenging, unusual and extremely inventive.

This week we're taking a close look at Grip Training for Beginners; the equipment you'll need, what to do with it and the many benefits of a little grip work. Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than the Diesel Crew's, Jedd 'Napalm' Johnson (@jeddjohnson), fresh from the incredible Global Grip Challenge.


Details -

Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Grip Training for Beginners
When : Wed Sep 8, 9pm EDT (1am UTC)
How : Include #sbgym in your tweets.

To see when it's on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.

See you there.

Quick update on last week's twitterchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion on Training for Armwrestling. Some superb ideas in there.

For those who missed out on the conversation, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Do you compete at all? Where?

Checking Out : The Fighter's Mind - Inside the Mental Game

The Fighter's Mind: Inside the Mental Game looks at the things which contribute to a successful mental approach in professional fighting; regardless of the sport.

Featuring interviews with athletes as diverse as Randy Couture, Dan Gable and Tai Chi master Josh Waitzkin, The Fighter's Mind takes a fascinating glimpse into the world of pugilistic psychology.

Looks great.

Monday, 30 Aug 2010 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Ready to add your own opinion, workout log or training article? Just head over to the Forums, Training Logs, or swing by the Article Submissions page. They're fantastic ways to share your ideas.

NB : if you enjoy the articles, show the authors your appreciation by voting (using the Like, Digg and Retweet icons). Cheers.

Video : Self Defense - Falling into a Wall

How do you absorb the shock and defend yourself when thrown against a wall? Like this.

DIY : Strongman Yoke

Looking for an inexpensive way to knock up a yoke? Take a look at this.

Coming Events

Twitterchat 81 - Training for Armwrestling

Whether you're challenging your friends or just getting in to serious competition, a spot of Armwrestling is superb.

This week we're taking a look at this wonderful sport, with the absolute beginner in mind - specifically the Training side of the fence. Everything from the techniques and psychology to the many facets of hand, wrist and forearm work. Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than StrongerWrist's, Scott LaTella (@strongerwrist). Fantastic.

NB : If you've been following Scott's work for any length of time, no doubt you're familiar with the wristball (brilliant thing). As a thankyou to participants in this discussion, Scott is donating a wristball to one of the questioner/commenters at random. Just use the #sbgym hashtag during the discussion.

Details -

Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Training for Armwrestling
When : Wed Sep 1, 9pm EDT (1am UTC)
How : Include #sbgym in your tweets.

To see when it's on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.

See you there.

Quick update on last week's twitterchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion on Setting Up The Home Gym. Some superb ideas in there.

For those who missed out on the conversation, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Are you looking to gain a little weight, whether for a competition, or performance in the gym? How?

Checking Out : Wrestle and Win

Wrestle and Win: The Wrestler's Guide to Strength, Conditioning, Nutrition and College Preparation is Steve Kimpel's new book; arriving on Sep 23rd. A very interesting gathering of information.
A brief description from Amazon :
'Wrestle and Win: The Wrestler's Guide to Strength, Conditioning, Nutrition and College Preparation is your guide to success in high school and college wrestling. Every wrestler has a daily mat practice, but great wrestlers know that it's what you do outside of practice that gives you the edge. This book is a comprehensive guide to the in-season and off-season training habits necessary to succeed at the state or national level. First, find out exactly what kind of strength training and conditioning you should be doing, including how to get the most out of your time in the weight room and what type of workouts to do during the off-season. Then get the facts on eating right, making weight and evaluating supplements. Finally, learn how to successfully make the transition from high school to college wrestling, including an inside view of the recruiting process and a step-by-step plan for getting recognized by college coaches.'

Looks good.

Monday, 23 Aug 2010 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Ready to add your own opinion, workout log or training article? Just head over to the Forums, Training Logs, or swing by the Article Submissions page. They're fantastic ways to share your ideas.

NB : if you enjoy the articles, show the authors your appreciation by voting (using the Like, Digg and Retweet icons). Cheers.

Video : Quick Home-made Wrist Roller

When it comes to DIY Gym Equipment, it doesn't get much simpler than this. Over to Smitty.

Nice work Adam.

DIY : Heavy Clubs

More club-training goodness from DIY Strength. Enjoy.

Coming Events

Twitterchat 80 - Setting Up The Home Gym

Whether you're training for competition or just for the benefits of looking after yourself, the home gym can be a truly incredible place.

This week we're taking a close look at Setting Up The Home Gym; the equipment and space you'll need (not as much as you'd think), combining indoor and outdoor setups and integrating the home gym with commercial facilities, work gyms and hotel areas. Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than Body by D-Rock's, Derek Peruo (@bodybydrock). Fantastic.

Details -

Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Setting Up The Home Gym
When : Wed Aug 25, 9pm EDT (1am UTC)
How : Include #sbgym in your tweets.

To see when it's on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.

See you there.

NB : If you'd like to be a guest on a future twitterchat, let me know. It's great to hear how other people are training.

Quick update on last week's twitterchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion on Bulking. Some superb ideas in there.

For those who missed out on the conversation, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Checking Out : Paleo Brands

I've been following a Paleo diet for a while now (started in April 2009), and I'd strongly recommend it to anyone. I've never felt better, or stronger.

Quick question : has anyone here tried any of the Paleo Brands meals? They look fantastic, and I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Monday, 16 Aug 2010 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Ready to add your own opinion, workout log or training article? Just head over to the Forums, Training Logs, or swing by the Article Submissions page. They're fantastic ways to share your ideas.

NB : if you enjoy the articles, show the authors your appreciation by voting (using the Like, Digg and Retweet icons). Cheers.

Video : World's Strongest Hands

There's a stack of great video coming out of the World's Strongest Hands grip contest; here's a sample :

Nice work Adam.

DIY : Clubs

When it comes to home-made equipment, one of the items I get asked about the most is the humble club.

Here's just one of the many ways to construct this wonderful training tool. The video above shows off the finished product, and details of construction are here :

DIY Gym Gear : How to Make Your Own Clubs

Good stuff.

Coming Events

Twitterchat 79 - Bulking

With so much focus on the idea of weight loss, you could be forgiven for overlooking the other side of the coin - intentionally gaining weight.

This week we're taking a close look at Bulking, whether it's for an upcoming competition or simply to assist things a little in the gym. Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than Food and Fitness', Anthony Paradis (@foodnfitness). Fantastic.

Details -

Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Bulking
When : Wed Aug 18, 9pm EDT (1am UTC)
How : Include #sbgym in your tweets.

To see when it's on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.

See you there.

NB : If you'd like to be a guest on a future twitterchat, let me know. It's great to hear how other people are training.

Quick update on last week's twitterchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion on Your First Strongman Competition. Some superb ideas in there.

For those who missed out on the conversation, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Have you ever considered competing in a Strongman competition? Which one?

Checking Out : Wild Black Jack 21

I love rope training; especially outdoors. Great fun.

This double-disc DVD not only explains the many techniques involved in using ropes as conditioning tools, it provides a couple of superb workouts; making use of the ropes by themselves, as well as with a kettlebell or two.


Monday, 9 Aug 2010 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Ready to add your own opinion, workout log or training article? Just head over to the Forums, Training Logs, or swing by the Article Submissions page. They're fantastic ways to share your ideas.

NB : if you enjoy the articles, show the authors your appreciation by voting (using the Like, Digg and Retweet icons). Cheers.

Video : USAJG - Using Anything.

Here's a quick look at just a few pieces of home-made training equipment. As you can see, you can certainly get a lot done regardless of what's available.

Nice one.

DIY : Rack-Mounted Wrist Roller

One of the many great training tools discussed in the DIY Training Equipment twitterchat was @GoodyGirl77's rack-mounted wrist roller. Fantastic thing.

If you're not quite sure what a rack-mounted wrist roller is all about, the video shows one in action (with an incredible 303lb, no less). And you'll be pleased to know that they're fairly easy to construct. Rory has detailed the process here, and this forum thread has an extra image or two.


Coming Events

Twitterchat 78 - Your First Strongman Competition

One of the many great topics brought up in the Incorporating Strongman Training discussion was 'how to get started'. Where to find the competitions, what the events are, and how to know if you're ready to compete. Good stuff.

This week we're taking a close look at these, and many other aspects of Your First Strongman Competition. Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than The Strength Doctor, Tim Hull (@THull); who's currently in serious training mode for an upcoming competition himself. Fantastic.

Details -

Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Your First Strongman Competition
When : Wed Aug 11, 9pm EDT (1am UTC)
How : Include #sbgym in your tweets.

To see when it's on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.

See you there.

NB : If you'd like to be a guest on a future twitterchat, let me know. It's great to hear how other people are training.

Quick update on last week's twitterchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion on DIY Training Equipment. Some superb ideas in there.

For those who missed out on the conversation, I'd love to hear your thoughts. What would you love to make, but aren't quite sure how? Would you happily learn skills such as welding in order to put together a solid DIY Equipment project?

Getting Ready For : Paleo Cookbook

I've been a fan of all kinds of food for several years now, and definitely fall into the 'foodie' camp.

Switching over to a Paleo diet in May 2009 certainly didn't diminish that at all, it just made me aware of a rather large oversight in the field of 'Paleo foodie' books. Helping to correct that, Health Habits (author of Paleo Diet for the 21st Century, pictured at left).

To say I'm looking forward to it is an understatement.

Exercise of the Week : Handstand Tiger Bend

The Handstand Tiger Bend (aka the Handstand version of the Mantis Push-up).

To perform the Handstand Tiger Bend, start by kicking yourself up into a handstand. Lower yourself as if beginning a Handstand Push-up, then allow yourself to fall back onto your forearms (you'll still be in a handstand at this point, just with your forearms completely resting on the floor).

From this position, kick your legs and lift yourself back into the original handstand position. The following video demonstrates this.

And yes, it's as hard as it looks. Enjoy.

Monday, 2 Aug 2010 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Ready to add your own opinion, workout log or training article? Just head over to the Forums, Training Logs, or swing by the Article Submissions page. They're fantastic ways to share your ideas.

NB : if you enjoy the articles, show the authors your appreciation by voting (using the Like, Digg and Retweet icons). Cheers.

Video : Chad Kovach - Grip Feats

Here's a gathering of pinching, squeezing and gripping to show just how much can be achieved in a short time.

Nice work Chad.

Keen to Try : WristBall

Recently Ryan noted armwrestler Scott Latella's new site - StrongerWrist. Excellent.

Many great things on the site (as well as a number which will be arriving shortly), including the WristBall. Very keen to try one out.

Coming Events

Twitterchat 77 - DIY Training Equipment

Over the years this site's looked at the idea of making your own gym gear from a number of angles. Everything from the 'how to make a ...' to the tools and techniques involved.

This week we'll be discussing all of these aspects of DIY Training Equipment, for anything used in your workouts. Indoor, outdoor; whatever it is - if it can be home-made, we'll discuss how. Fantastic.

Details -

Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : DIY Training Equipment
When : Wed Aug 4, 9pm EDT (1am UTC)
How : Include #sbgym in your tweets.

To see when it's on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.

See you there.

NB : If you'd like to be a guest on a future twitterchat, let me know. It's great to hear how other people are training.

Quick update on last week's twitterchat : Thanks once again to Daniel Ng (@daniel_hautjobb) and everyone else who took part in the discussion on Photographing Strength Athletes. Some superb ideas in there.

Thanks also to everyone who added photos to the SttB Flickr Group (and to those that are still adding them). Greatly appreciated; there are some superb shots in there. And if you haven't added your images yet? They're all welcome. Swing by.

For those who missed out on the conversation, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Do you take video or still photos at strength competitions? How do you keep track of the athletes, events, weights and so on?

Checking Out : The Sling Shot

Mark Bell's Sling Shot is now available. Looks great.

Exercise of the Week : Barbell Hack Squats

These are superb. Although the Hack Squat often referred to makes use of a simple machine, I much prefer the barbell version.

The basic version is shown below; there are certainly plenty of variations. Different bars, off-centred weights, bands and so on. Great exercise.

Welcome. - Photo

I've been wrapped in photography for almost 30 years now. With my father being a professional motor racing photographer for a number of years, I was always going to be surrounded by cameras, books on technique and various types of film.

To give you an idea of the type of stuff I do and love, here are a few of my favourite creations from over the years. I also invite you to wander through the Flickr group I run for Straight to the Bar, a gathering of fitness-related tutorial videos on Youtube, and my own vintage camera collection. A mix of folders, box cameras and half-frames.

Finally, here are just a handful of my photo diaries from over the years. Dive in.

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