Results matching “Bird”

Monday, 1 June 2009 - Issues

Video - Overhead Squat Mobility

Steve Cotter has posted several great videos on the squat, including the one above - progressions for the Overhead Squat. Good stuff.

Beast Skills

This is one of my favourite sites for teaching challenging gymnastic skills - Levers, Presses, Pulls and other fun things. Love it.

Got a site, event or product you'd like to recommend? Drop us a line.

Monday, 25 May 2009 - Issues

Video - Kettlebell Juggling at the 2004 European Weightlifting Championships.

Kettlebell Juggling


ExRx Exercise and Muscle Directory

I stumbled across ExRx several years ago, and it's still one of the first places I visit when I'm looking for exercise alternatives. For a brilliant look 'under the hood', head over to the ExRx Exercise and Muscle Directory. Love it.

Got a site, event or product you'd like to recommend? Drop us a line.

Monday, 18 May 2009 - Issues

Video - Home-made 'Bulgarian Bag'

Matt Wichlinski demonstrates the construction and use of a DIY 'Bulgarian Bag' version. Love it.

The Powerlifting

Featuring the work of powerlifters such as Westside's Greg Panora, The Powerlifting is a fantastic community for anyone looking to reach the top of the sport. Training videos, coaching and a focused members' forum - love it.

Got a site, event or product you'd like to recommend? Drop us a line.

Disused Equipment
Disused Equipment.
I received an email this morning from someone looking to upgrade a few items from their home gym, and wondering what to do with the old equipment. The short answer - give it away.

How? Glad you asked.

Running Shoes : if you enjoy an occasional run, chances are that you have several pairs of shoes that get infrequent use at best. Rather than let them sit and gather dust, consider giving them to an organisation like Shoe 4 Africa or Soles 4 Souls; where they'll be cleaned up, sorted, and given to runners in the poorer parts of the world.

You get a clean cupboard, they get shoes. Everybody wins.

Clothing : although I'm talking about training clothing here, any clothing can be donated in the same way.

If - like me - you've inadvertently managed to accumulate a swag of workout gear over the years that no longer fits (t-shirts particularly), pass on the older models to places like Cancer Research UK, the Salvation Army or local charity shops.

Equipment : if you've been lifting for a while, there are probably a couple of items that don't get used all that often. Or perhaps you've just managed to land yourself a new rack, and there's a perfectly good one just sitting there.

Whatever the case, there are charities that specifically collect and redistribute this equipment. Of these, the largest is the Fitness4Charity group. Fantastic organisation.

NB : for smaller pieces of equipment and sporting goods, the Salvation Army is a great option.

Books : I've been surrounded by books for as long as I can remember, and an avid collector (and reader) for most of that time. To say I've got a few items in my fitness library is definitely understating things.

Given that, I'm always amazed when people sell their own precious strength-training tomes. Of course, if you're going to be getting rid of these gems in any case, why not donate them to Hands Across the Water, Books 4 Tanzania or your local library, school or gym.

Shoulder pain
Thanks to everyone who joined in today's twitterchat with The Rotater's Chris Melton (@theROTATER). It really was a fascinating discussion on the many types of shoulder injuries and rehabilitation.

A few highlights :

  • 'most people that I meet and see are dealing with rotator cuff tears'

  • 'lots of factors...too much ego in weightroom, lack of proper core flexibilty, poor progression'

  • 'Mine was a result of a ruptured pectoral on the same side. Bench & years of abuse'

  • 'I dislocated my shoulder doing a spinning back fist sparring ... it was unpleasant.'

  • 'Funny thing, my "serious" shoulder injury (2 years of steady pain) turned out to be a triggerpoint, fixed in 10 minutes. '

  • 'adhesive capsulitis is the technical term and it's a mysterious condition, affects twice as many women as men'

Overall it was a great discussion. As there were a number of questions we didn't get to, the discussion will be continued in a few weeks (date to be confirmed).

In the meantime, here's the device that a couple of people mentioned - The Rotater. Brilliant thing.

Monday, 11 May 2009 - Issues

Video - Simultaneous #3 CoC Close and Plate Pinch

Looking for a grip challenge? Have a go at this combination. Good stuff.

Online World of Wrestling

When it comes to wrestling sites, they don't come much bigger than this. With forums, articles, photo galleries and videos, the Online World of Wrestling network is a clear favourite. Love it.

Got a site, event or product you'd like to recommend? Drop us a line.

Monday, 4 May 2009 - Issues

Video - 45lb Plate Curls

A little post-MGC 45lb plate curling. Good stuff.

Seconds Out

Love boxing? You'll love Seconds Out. Great site.

Got a site, event or product you'd like to recommend? Drop us a line.

Monday, 27 Apr 2009 - Issues

Video - Tyler Southwick : Doin' Work

Tyler 'This Fool Tyler' Southwick toying with the chinning bar. Good stuff.

Combat Fitness Blog

Combat Fitness is the online home of strength athlete, conditioning coach and general lover of fitness - Donnie Kiernan (@donniekiernan). Good stuff.

Got a site, event or product you'd like to recommend? Drop us a line.

UPDATE (7 APR 2014) :

I'm currently doing a lot of design work for this site with another illustrator - and one I highly recommend, just take a look at his portfolio - my brother Glenn Bird. You'll find him over at


I'm constantly surrounded by strength-training memorabilia (particularly that of old-time Strongmen/Strongwomen from 1870 - present), so when Rory Hickman offered to design a twitter background (which you can see here), it was logical to display several of them on there.
Here are just a few of the many athletes and strength feats depicted :

Incidentally, if you're looking to have an image created for your own twitter profile page, drop either Rory or Glenn a note. Superb work.

Monday, 20 Apr 2009 - Issues

Video - Band Suspended Kettlebells

Looks as though the kettlebell version of Band Suspended Training has a few fans at Kettlebell Fitness Denmark. Nice one.

Ross Training

I first stumbled across Ross Enamait several years ago, demonstrating a creative variation of the Neider Press (with a barbell held vertically). Since then, I've become a regular reader/viewer of his work (as my bookshelves will attest), and am constantly amazed at just how innovative his exercises are.

For a brilliant look at creative ways to 'be your best', head over to Ross Training. Fantastic site.

Got a site, event or product you'd like to recommend? Drop us a line.

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