Results matching “Bird”

The workout logs return - Test articles

Wide plate pinchIt's been a while now since I last posted my training notes (although of course I've still been training), which I thought I'd rectify. Especially now as the weather here is starting to get back to reasonable levels, which will undoubtedly see an increase in intensity. Not to mention the occasional outdoor session.

A few months ago I began training for the One-Arm-Chin-up. This was always going to be a lengthy process (2 years seems to be fairly common amongst OAC practitioners), but I wasn't quite prepared for the glacial slowness of it all. The other day, whilst getting slightly over-zealous and trying to accelerate things, I managed to once again tweak my left shoulder. Frustrating, but not altogether surprising. I know what I'm like.

I'm now carefully avoiding the heavy stuff for a while; giving things a chance to heal before I return to the OAC quest. In the meantime, however, a slight obsession takes centre stage - hand strength.

After reading Chuck Halbakken's recent piece on bending, I decided to give it a go (at least I will once a couple of key items arrive). Added to this is the usual assortment of pinching, tearing and catching. All fun, highly addictive stuff.

A few of the exercises I've been trying out this week :

  • basic gripper work (I only have the CoC Trainer and #1 here, but they're great for high-rep work)
  • plate pinching (two plates held together with smooth sides out)
  • wide pinch grip work using a 2.5kg plate + additional weights (as pictured)
  • wrist rolling (using home-made wrist roller; which is little more than an axe handle, duct tape and a length of chain)
  • bar hangs (right arm only)
  • paper tearing (the phone books are quite safe for now)
  • Thor's hammer stuff (levering with an adjustable dumbbell with weights on one end only)

I'll go through each of these exercises - and the many others that always seem to appear in grip workouts - in more detail after a week or two; once I've had a chance to really test them out.

Strap Rear FlysA shoulder injury, cooler weather and plenty of reading to do here on Straight to the Bar :

Priscilla Ribic interview - Test articles

Priscilla RibicVia Powerlifting Watch : the Pure Powerlifting podcast's Steve Mann and Jason Beck have released the first [.wmv, 42.6mb] of a 3 part interview with champion powerlifter Priscilla Ribic. Great stuff.

Steve NashHaving experienced my fair share of low back pain over the years (the medical bills make great souvenirs, in an odd sort of way), I was intrigued by Michael Stare and Cassandra Forsythe's latest piece on T-Nation. As they state in the article :

You see, the solution to low back pain isn't the hour you spend in physical therapy each week, or even the hour or two you spend in the gym; it's every other hour you spend living your life. From standing, to sitting, to lifting, to sleeping, every position you take has an impact on the health of your spine.

The article offers several ways to periodically deload your spine; not just at the gym, but in your life as a whole. Definitely worth a look.

World Powerlifting - Test articles

Precious McKenzie (powerlifter and Olympic weightlifter) by David Roberts

Photo © 2001 David Roberts

. Via Powerlifting Watch : a great site by Andrei Kovalenko detailing powerlifting meet history back to 1971. A superb resource.

Virtual Meet Community - Test articles

Virtual Meet CommunityThe Virtual Meet forums are up. If you're planning to compete this weekend, they're definitely worth a visit. And if you haven't already signed up, now's a great time to do so.

ShoulderVia Healthbolt : a promising study at the University of Guelph on the use of stem cells to assist with the healing of cartilage in joint injuries. Although the current study focuses on horses, their joints are similar to those in humans in a couple of significant ways (such as joint thickness).

Sounds good.

Gym etiquette - Test articles

On the benchVia the Got Strength blog : a nice piece on gym etiquette. I notice there's nothing in there about 'curls in the rack'. Any more to add?

Inspirational running booksRun to Win's Blaine Moore kicks off this month's series on Books; taking a look at Inspirational running books. No matter what sort of books you prefer; if you like to run, there's something here for you.

Kettlebell slam - Test articles

Kettlebell slamThe Other Side of Strength's Ken Black demonstrates a very interesting exercise - the Kettlebell Slam [streaming, 5.1mb .flv download]. Superb.

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