Results matching “Bird”

Wolfgang GüllichRecently I decided to embark on the serious - and quite possibly lengthy - journey to achieving a full-range one-armed chin-up. If you've ever grabbed the bar with one arm you'll understand just how long a quest that can be. They're not exactly easy things.

Bdckr, who successfully embarked on this same quest some time ago, offered the following advice :

Offset chins with weight helped the most. Instead of using a towel, I used a rope tied to the bar, with knots tied off starting at 18" below the bar, and every 6" after. The rope helped me get a better feel for the kind of rotation that happens using only one arm, while the extra weight helped develop the pulling strength. Tying knots made it easier to measure progress i.e. 1st knot, 2nd knot, etc.(like fist lengths on a towel in the Dragondoor article). Once I got to 4 reps on the 4th knot, I started again at the 1st knot with extra weight.

Having a weight vest (instead of weight hanging off a belt) was useful, since I could do regular and offset chins (the concentric portion) as fast as possible without worrying about the weight banging around.

Grippers and one arm dead hangs (with or without extra weight) were good. Nothing worse than feeling like you're slipping off the bar.

The workout structure was chins twice a week: one higher volume weighted 2 arm chin workout, and one low volume higher intensity 1 arm training.

This fits in well with other things I've heard and read over the past couple of years, and the notion of a bi-weekly chin-up session definitely appeals. Very much looking forward to it.

The exercises

I'll hold off on creating a formal routine until I've had a chance to test out a few of the exercises. These include fun things like one-arm dead hangs, pulley/rope/finger assisted chin-ups and a bit of kettlebell military pressing. Should be good.

Further reading

A couple of articles on the one-armed chin-up are definitely worth a solid read :

The One-Arm Chinning Guide
Jack Arnow and Alexander Lechner

This is a superb article, and a must-read for anyone considering the one-armed chin. Whilst there's obviously a great deal of strength involved in the exercise, the one-armed chin-up also comprises a good deal of technique. This article goes into detail on precisely that.

The One Arm Chin-up/Pull-up
Jim Bathurst

If you haven't ventured over to the Beast Skills site before, you're in for a treat. Quite simply, Jim knows his stuff. Brilliant.

TGIF: weekly round-up - Test articles

Sleeping at the keyboardIf you've just joined us, here's a quick recap of this week on Straight to the Bar :


Paul Anderson tribute - Test articles

Paul AndersonThere's a great Paul Anderson tribute video [streaming, 8.5mb .flv download via KeepVid] linked up on the Diesel Crew blog. Some great clips in there.

Chris DorrJust catching up with a few podcasts. Among them is the latest from Strength News; episode 4. This week Chris discusses :

Sandbag materialsDIY workout gear doesn't come much cheaper than this. If you've got 10 bucks in your pocket and an hour to spare, pop down to the nearest hardware store and grab the following :

  • 8-10 heavy-duty freezer bags (the 'snap lock' ones are great if you can get them)
  • large hessian sack
  • large heavy-duty garden sack (to fit inside the hessian one)
  • roll of cloth tape
  • ball of twine
  • about 20kg(45lb) of sand (any kind with a fairly small grain)


Assembly is a straightforward process.

Making mini sandbagsHalf fill each of the freezer bags with sand (until you run out of sand - I used 6, but it's good to have spares).

Mini sandbags taped upSeal and tape each bag tightly - make sure you squeeze all the air out.

Completed sandbagPlace the garden sack inside the hessian one, and fill it with the small sandbags.

Tie up the sacks with twine.

That's it! Obviously there's a bit of trial-and-error involved, but you really can't go too far wrong.

Changes I would make

I'll use it a few times before I really start changing things, but a couple of likely culprits :

  • I'd probably double-bag the smaller sandbags. Just in case.
  • I may increase the cost slightly and start with more than 20kg of sand. It's a good weight to start with, but a couple of weeks may suggest that more is necessary.

The next generation - Test articles

Sled workMore video goodness (streaming, 16.5mb .flv download via KeepVid) from Zach Even-Esh; this time showing just how he trains younger athletes. How? Exactly the same way as everyone else. Good stuff.

Campusing - Test articles

Todd MeyersCampusing is a rock-climbing training technique, making use of the decidedly evil campus board. Developed in 1988 by climber Wolfgang Güllich (german site only), the board consists of a series of strips affixed in a ladder-like fashion. The entire board is angled to around 20°.

The Diesel Crew blog pointed me in the direction of a great video showing climber Todd Meyers demonstrating this technique. As you'll quickly see, it isn't exactly easy.

Applied Strength - Test articles

Brett JonesApplied Strength is the online home of personal trainer and fitness enthusiast Brett Jones. On both his personal and professional sites you'll find interesting writings on kettlebell, bodyweight and free-weight training.

To get you started, a couple of pieces that are definitely worth a read :

  • What is Old (School) is New
    A brief introduction to the world of kettlebell training - beginning with the disarmingly simple (though highly effective) kettlebell swing. Brett offers a few tips for improving the swing here.
  • Programming for the Deadlift
    The creation of a simple program with a beautiful goal - increasing your deadlift.


A Swiss ball for morons - Test articles

Charles PoliquinCharles Poliquin's at it again. His latest Q&A piece on T-Nation includes :

  • swanky new gym gadgets
  • swiss ball use and abuse
  • hypertrophy training mistake #1
  • strongman for beginners

As always, it's a great read.

Academy PT video - Test articles

40kg kettlebell snatchVia Pete Diaz : A nice video (streaming, 15.2mb .flv download via KeepVid) showing tyre, thick rope and kettlebell work. Not a bad workout at all.

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