Results matching “Bird”

Scotlands PeopleThe 1851 census of Scotland - complete with images - is now online at Scotlands People.

Help - History

The information on this site is displayed in several ways, and there are just as many ways of looking for it.

If you're seeking a particular person or place, try the search box at right. This is a powerful site search via Google, and all of the usual options apply.

To get a 'bird's eye view' of the site, start with the site map. This will give you a brief description of each of the major sections of the site.

If you want to get an idea of the structure of the Bird family tree, or see how a particular person fits in, take a look at the Tree. This lists all persons traced so far and their relationship to each other.

To ask me a question regarding any information on this site, or if you have information you would like to contribute, head over to the contact page.

The information displayed on this site does not cover living persons, quite intentionally. There is also a great deal of 'unprocessed' data from a number of sources that may be useful to someone tracing a particular line.

If the information you seek is not on the site, or you want to find out more detail about something that is mentioned here, let me know and I'll tell you what is available.

Help - Test Area

The information on this site is displayed in several ways, and there are just as many ways of looking for it.

If you're seeking a particular person or place, try the search box at right. This is a powerful site search via Google, and all of the usual options apply.

To get a 'bird's eye view' of the site, start with the site map. This will give you a brief description of each of the major sections of the site.

If you want to get an idea of the structure of the Bird family tree, or see how a particular person fits in, take a look at the Tree. This lists all persons traced so far and their relationship to each other.

To ask me a question regarding any information on this site, or if you have information you would like to contribute, head over to the contact page.

The information displayed on this site does not cover living persons, quite intentionally. There is also a great deal of 'unprocessed' data from a number of sources that may be useful to someone tracing a particular line.

If the information you seek is not on the site, or you want to find out more detail about something that is mentioned here, let me know and I'll tell you what is available.

Marathon walking - Test articles

Clyde WalkwayWith the sun making a rare appearance twice in the space of two days, I've been spending as much time as possible walking around some of the less well known parts of the town with camera in hand. Unfortunately this has meant putting the heavy stuff on hold for a couple of days - although the amount of walking done certainly adds up to a decent cardio session.

Roughly the length of two marathon courses in two days. Quite enough to ensure a good night's sleep afterward. Lest you think that's a long way to walk, however, take a look at one obese man's trek across the US.

Walk in the park II - Test articles

Bionic muscles - Test articles

BatoScientists at the University of Texas at Dallas have developed artificial muscles, which are powered by alcohol and hydrogen. These muscles, which are around 100 times as powerful as the body's own, could be used in exoskeletons in order to assist various professions : firefighters, those in the military, powerlifters.

For more info, have a read of the complete report (subscription - free abstract available) in the 17 March issue of Science magazine.

The Dave Tate Project - Test articles

Dr John BerardiHere's a challenge - find a 290-300lb powerlifter with a diet that's been abysmal for decades and see if a leading nutritionist can sort him out. Dr John Berardi takes on Dave Tate.

2006 Commonwealth Games Opening CeremonySure, the WInter Olympics always demand a bit of viewing time. However they pale in comparison to the spectacle of the Commonwealth Games - this year in Melbourne, Australia.

If you're in the UK, you can watch the action live via the BBC video streams. Australian viewers (using Bigpond broadband) can tune in here.

Wiki - History

WikiI've added a wiki to this site. If you've never used one before, think of it as a set of pages that anyone can edit at any time. It can be a great way to share information - so share away!

Note : anyone can read the pages, but to add to them you'll need to create a login (there's a menu option when you go to the site). The current password is 'grinspoon' (an Australian band).

Wiki - Test Area

WikiI've added a wiki to this site. If you've never used one before, think of it as a set of pages that anyone can edit at any time. It can be a great way to share information - so share away!

Note : anyone can read the pages, but to add to them you'll need to create a login (there's a menu option when you go to the site). The current password is 'grinspoon' (an Australian band).

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