Results matching “log”

Mike Gill at the Kumite ClassicI'm travelling for a couple of weeks (back around March 15). In the meantime, here are a few hidden gems from the archives.


10 Questions with Strongman Mike Gill

This is the first in a series of brief interviews I conducted with strength athletes from around the world. Hope you enjoy them.

1. Firstly, a bit of background. What is your name (and nickname), and where did you grow up.

Mike Gill. I was born in Buffalo, NY on November 19, 1972 making me 34 years old. I’ve lived in Buffalo and its suburbs for most of my life. I spent five years in Durham, NC where I owned three gyms, but returned home after never really adjusting to the area. Most people just call me Gill.

2. How did you get started in the sport?

I started seriously training with weights when I was 16. I had tinkered with them prior to that for years, but got dedicated after a “hardcore” gym moved into my town. I did a few bodybuilding shows in the 90s but I never could get lean enough. Besides, I like being bigger and training heavier; those two things don’t happen when you are getting contest ready. So for 10 years I just maintained my size and strength and did a few other things. I ran a few duathalons (run, bike, run) some 10k’s and did a short course triathlon. They fueled my competitive fire, but didn’t mix well with my body type. Ben Hanson (the other Chasing Kaz writer) suggested I try Strongman. I tossed the idea around for a few months and then after watching the 2005 WSM from China I decided to give it a go. I did my first strongman workout in March of ’06 and my fist competition 3 months later.

3. Which accomplishment (sporting or otherwise) are you most proud of?

Winning the Kumite Classic this year was a pretty awesome feeling for me. In my first year of competition I placed second in all three contests I entered; that was very frustrating. Getting the win assured me that I had the mental game to make it happen.

4. What are your goals for the next year or so? The next 10 years?

I would like to crack the top 5 at nationals this year. The competition keeps getting stiffer each year as the sport grows and that’s good, because it means the US as a whole is getting stronger at the sport. I think I have the tools to get my pro-card in the next 18-24 months, so that’s my long term goal. Other than that I would just like to stay healthy and continue to get bigger and stronger.

5. What changes in the sport have you seen over the years? What would you like to see?

I would like to see more odd events in contests, but standardization for getting your pro- card. That may sound confusing, so I’ll explain. To get your pro card now you have to win the amateur division at a pro-am or win Amateur Nationals. A few years back this was a good system as there were literally just a few competitors at each contest and the sport was much smaller. Now there are many guys competing for just a few spots each year, with many of the contests held in small remote locations. It’s expensive to get to and sometimes the best don’t show up, allowing a lesser competitor to earn a pro-card.

If NAS switched to regional qualifying meets then you would assure a more even system for earning a pro card. Qualifying meets would all have the same events and a certain time or number would earn you points. All participants with enough qualifying points at the end of the day would earn their cards. For example to earn a pro card you would need to clean and press a 300lb log 3 times, run a 315lb per hand 100 ft farmers walk in 24 seconds, deadlift a 800lb side handle apparatus, flip a 900lb tire for 50’ and then drag a 500lb sled, and then do a series of 5 stones to fixed heights for a certain time. This would open the doors for more competitors to go pro, find sponsors and become better athletes.

Contests should take an opposite approach though. Logs are now all steel and plate loaded; people can’t relate to the weight. Same thing with a bar that is loaded with 500lbs or 700lbs of plates, it all looks the same to the audience. To make it more interesting to the spectators (and therefore get more TV time) events should incorporate cars, safes, motorcycles, people, field stones; things that inspire awe in Joe Average when you lift them because they can relate to the objects.

6. Would you encourage up-and-coming athletes to follow the same path (as you have)? What would you do differently?

I didn’t find this sport until I was 33 years old, so that’s a bit late. What I would encourage younger athletes to do is try a variety of things until you find what you are good at and like at the same time. I’ve run into quite a few people who were good at something but no longer cared for it; it makes playing sports a chore instead of something great.

7. What types of training have you found to be most effective?

Low-volume, fluctuating intensity, high frequency training performed on the core lifts and events. It’s the method the Bulgarian Olympic lifters perfected that has given them a truck load of medals from the 70s on. You limit the amount of work in a training session, but train more often. Instead of wearing down the muscle in one session you condition it to recover faster so you can train it sooner. When applied correctly with proper recovery you can hit the same lifts multiple times per week and you are fresh each time. It’s great for me and my schedule.

8. What's your current training schedule like?

I’m a strength coach and personal trainer so I work a split shift every day. This enables me to train at around 11 AM every day (close to contest time) then eat and sleep immediately after. If I am doing splits I can get a second session in some time that afternoon.

Currently I train 4-6 days per week. I do one major lift during a training session like squats, press or dead and then do some auxiliary work. I limit training time to 40minutes. On Saturday I train events. We usually do 2 works sets per event and 3-4 events. We do this in about 2 hours.

9. What is your diet like - do you eat anything specifically to assist your training?

I eat a high fat, high protein diet, with moderate carbs. I rely mostly on food to get my calories and just a weight gainer or protein supplement if I am coming up short. I aim for a dozen whole eggs everyday along with 3lbs of red meat. I eat fish 2-3 times per week as well. My two sponsors are Perry’s Ice Cream and Braun’s Restaurant. I eat a ton so it makes it logical to have food companies behind me.

I stay pretty lean as well. I find it hard to get my bodyfat over 15% no matter what I eat. I compete at 280 and would like to be closer to 300 in the near future.

10. Are there any parting thoughts you'd like to share with our readers?

The most under-looked aspect of this sport (or any) is the mental game. In strongman you have to have great pain management skills. I’ve seen plenty of guys quit because they were tired or mentally beat, but still had the physical ability to continue. Doing sets of 10 reps with stones or tire flips for 2 minutes straight will get your conditioning up and raise your pain tolerance.

Consistency is key, as well. So many people want to know why they haven’t changed after training for just a few months. You need to be dedicated to your training, diet and recover for years to make the best gains.

Thanks for your time Mike - it's greatly appreciated. Best of luck in your next competition!

You can contact Mike - and keep up with the world of Strongman - via his site, Chasing Kaz. It's a great read.

Mike Gill at the Kumite ClassicI'm travelling for a couple of weeks (back around March 15). In the meantime, here are a few hidden gems from the archives.


10 Questions with Strongman Mike Gill

This is the first in a series of brief interviews I conducted with strength athletes from around the world. Hope you enjoy them.

1. Firstly, a bit of background. What is your name (and nickname), and where did you grow up.

Mike Gill. I was born in Buffalo, NY on November 19, 1972 making me 34 years old. I've lived in Buffalo and its suburbs for most of my life. I spent five years in Durham, NC where I owned three gyms, but returned home after never really adjusting to the area. Most people just call me Gill.

2. How did you get started in the sport?

I started seriously training with weights when I was 16. I had tinkered with them prior to that for years, but got dedicated after a "hardcore" gym moved into my town. I did a few bodybuilding shows in the 90s but I never could get lean enough. Besides, I like being bigger and training heavier; those two things don't happen when you are getting contest ready. So for 10 years I just maintained my size and strength and did a few other things. I ran a few duathalons (run, bike, run) some 10k's and did a short course triathlon. They fueled my competitive fire, but didn't mix well with my body type. Ben Hanson (the other Chasing Kaz writer) suggested I try Strongman. I tossed the idea around for a few months and then after watching the 2005 WSM from China I decided to give it a go. I did my first strongman workout in March of '06 and my fist competition 3 months later.

3. Which accomplishment (sporting or otherwise) are you most proud of?

Winning the Kumite Classic this year was a pretty awesome feeling for me. In my first year of competition I placed second in all three contests I entered; that was very frustrating. Getting the win assured me that I had the mental game to make it happen.

4. What are your goals for the next year or so? The next 10 years?

I would like to crack the top 5 at nationals this year. The competition keeps getting stiffer each year as the sport grows and that's good, because it means the US as a whole is getting stronger at the sport. I think I have the tools to get my pro-card in the next 18-24 months, so that's my long term goal. Other than that I would just like to stay healthy and continue to get bigger and stronger.

5. What changes in the sport have you seen over the years? What would you like to see?

I would like to see more odd events in contests, but standardization for getting your pro- card. That may sound confusing, so I'll explain. To get your pro card now you have to win the amateur division at a pro-am or win Amateur Nationals. A few years back this was a good system as there were literally just a few competitors at each contest and the sport was much smaller. Now there are many guys competing for just a few spots each year, with many of the contests held in small remote locations. It's expensive to get to and sometimes the best don't show up, allowing a lesser competitor to earn a pro-card.

If NAS switched to regional qualifying meets then you would assure a more even system for earning a pro card. Qualifying meets would all have the same events and a certain time or number would earn you points. All participants with enough qualifying points at the end of the day would earn their cards. For example to earn a pro card you would need to clean and press a 300lb log 3 times, run a 315lb per hand 100 ft farmers walk in 24 seconds, deadlift a 800lb side handle apparatus, flip a 900lb tire for 50' and then drag a 500lb sled, and then do a series of 5 stones to fixed heights for a certain time. This would open the doors for more competitors to go pro, find sponsors and become better athletes.

Contests should take an opposite approach though. Logs are now all steel and plate loaded; people can't relate to the weight. Same thing with a bar that is loaded with 500lbs or 700lbs of plates, it all looks the same to the audience. To make it more interesting to the spectators (and therefore get more TV time) events should incorporate cars, safes, motorcycles, people, field stones; things that inspire awe in Joe Average when you lift them because they can relate to the objects.

6. Would you encourage up-and-coming athletes to follow the same path (as you have)? What would you do differently?

I didn't find this sport until I was 33 years old, so that's a bit late. What I would encourage younger athletes to do is try a variety of things until you find what you are good at and like at the same time. I've run into quite a few people who were good at something but no longer cared for it; it makes playing sports a chore instead of something great.

7. What types of training have you found to be most effective?

Low-volume, fluctuating intensity, high frequency training performed on the core lifts and events. It's the method the Bulgarian Olympic lifters perfected that has given them a truck load of medals from the 70s on. You limit the amount of work in a training session, but train more often. Instead of wearing down the muscle in one session you condition it to recover faster so you can train it sooner. When applied correctly with proper recovery you can hit the same lifts multiple times per week and you are fresh each time. It's great for me and my schedule.

8. What's your current training schedule like?

I'm a strength coach and personal trainer so I work a split shift every day. This enables me to train at around 11 AM every day (close to contest time) then eat and sleep immediately after. If I am doing splits I can get a second session in some time that afternoon.

Currently I train 4-6 days per week. I do one major lift during a training session like squats, press or dead and then do some auxiliary work. I limit training time to 40minutes. On Saturday I train events. We usually do 2 works sets per event and 3-4 events. We do this in about 2 hours.

9. What is your diet like - do you eat anything specifically to assist your training?

I eat a high fat, high protein diet, with moderate carbs. I rely mostly on food to get my calories and just a weight gainer or protein supplement if I am coming up short. I aim for a dozen whole eggs everyday along with 3lbs of red meat. I eat fish 2-3 times per week as well. My two sponsors are Perry's Ice Cream and Braun's Restaurant. I eat a ton so it makes it logical to have food companies behind me.

I stay pretty lean as well. I find it hard to get my bodyfat over 15% no matter what I eat. I compete at 280 and would like to be closer to 300 in the near future.

10. Are there any parting thoughts you'd like to share with our readers?

The most under-looked aspect of this sport (or any) is the mental game. In strongman you have to have great pain management skills. I've seen plenty of guys quit because they were tired or mentally beat, but still had the physical ability to continue. Doing sets of 10 reps with stones or tire flips for 2 minutes straight will get your conditioning up and raise your pain tolerance.

Consistency is key, as well. So many people want to know why they haven't changed after training for just a few months. You need to be dedicated to your training, diet and recover for years to make the best gains.

Thanks for your time Mike - it's greatly appreciated. Best of luck in your next competition!

You can contact Mike - and keep up with the world of Strongman - via his site, Chasing Kaz. It's a great read.

BackThis is a guest post by powerlifter Rick Walker, CSCS - Addressing Weaknesses in The Squat. Strap yourself in, this is a good one.

If you read most strength related material on the web today, you are going to come across a lot of talk about training weaknesses. This is great information, however, if you aren’t sure what the weakness is, how are you going to address it, train it, and fix it? The best way is to have a competent lifter watch your squat form with heavy weights, then break down what you are doing wrong. That isn’t always the best option. I mean, lets face it, it is downright impossible to find a “competent lifter” in the gym environment! So, I will go over some typical squat faults, what causes them, and what you can do about them to get your squat on the rise again.

Bending at the knees first

This is a common problem among many beginning squatters as the lifer is usually afraid of falling backwards with the weight. Instead of sitting back first, the lifter will bend at the knees to go down. This causes the knees to go forward well over the toes and often times causes the lifter to go up onto their toes in the hole. This is not only dangerous, but you are limiting how much you can squat. The pressure on the patellar tendons in this position is tremendous and leads to big time problems down the road.

Yes, some lifters, especially Olympic lifters, can adapt to these kinds of stresses from having their knees that far forward. Look at how far the knees are here:

However, the goal here is to improve the squat and move more weight, and that will be accomplished by sitting back into the squat.

How to fix it

The lifter must learn to sit back and not down. This can take a long time to get them to do, and even longer to get them to do it under maximum loads. I start all newbie squatters on a box.

I use a very high box and a very light load, usually the empty bar with some light JumpStretch© bands attached for tension. The basic commands I give are for the lifter to sit back like he is searching for a chair that is behind him. Once the lifter can get down to the high box by sitting back, I lower it an inch and start all over. Eventually the lifter will be able to sit back to a parallel box and the movement will become second nature.

Another possible reason for the lifter’s inability to sit back is hamstring strength. If the lifter has weak hamstrings, he won’t be able to sit back into a squat without falling. It gets much worse as the weight increases. To address this, get the lifter on the glute-ham machine pronto!

This is the best way to bring up lagging hamstrings and prepare the lifter for handling more weight in the squat correctly. I have also found Romanian Deadlifts and reverse hypers to be effective for improving the sit back portion of the squat.

Knees come inward on ascent

This is probably the second most common error made by a squatter. The lifter usually descends well, but once they hit depth and attempt to come back up, the knees shoot inward leaving the lifter in an awkward and dangerous position. The reason this happens is usually linked to weak hips. The hips are weak, and therefore the body, in attempt to lift the weight, will draw the knees inward. This places the stress on the stronger quadriceps muscles.

How to fix it

Direct hip work will help immensely, but the lifter also needs to learn how to squat. The quickest way I have corrected this with lifters is to take a min JumpStretch© band, double loop it, and put it around the lifters legs at about knee height while they squat lighter weights. The lifter’s goal is to keep the band tight and not let it fall down their legs. This will cause them to focus on proper knee position and really driving the knees out, not only during the ascent, but also during the descent. If you do this often enough, it will become second nature for the lifter to drive his knees out during the squat. I have found this to be most useful during wide stance box squat training. The lifter will be handling a lighter load, 50-60%, and thus can focus on the proper mechanics and keeping the band around their knees tight. Once it becomes second nature, there will be no need for the band.

Direct hip work via handle squats, pull-throughs, kettlebell swings, and belt squats will also help bring the hips up to match the strength of the quadriceps. When doing any type of direct hip work, make sure to really drive the knees out and make a conscious attempt to ‘spread the floor’ with your feet. Drive your feet hard into and out against the platform to assure proper hip activation.

I'm travelling for a couple of weeks (back around March 15). In the meantime, here are a few hidden gems from the archives.


The lost art of overhead pressing

Overhead pressCharles Poliquin takes a quick look at Overhead Pressing and suggests a 12 week program for its use. Having only recently tried a couple of sets myself, I personally can see a bit more overhead work going on. Unfortunately the low roof means that this will be seated only, but that's still a good start.

There were a couple of ratios mentioned in the article, and after Alberto got everyone going with the Achieving Structural Balance piece, I can see a similar thing happening here. They are :

1. The ratio between seated dumbbell overhead presses and the bench press It should be that the weight done for 8 reps on each dumbbell represents 29% of the close-grip bench press measure. In other words, a man able to close-grip bench about 220 pounds for a single would use a pair of 65's for 8 reps in the seated dumbbell overhead presses.
2. The ratio between the behind-the-neck press and the bench press The weight for a 1 RM behind-the-neck press from a seated position should represent 66% of the weight used for a 1 RM in the close-grip bench press. That load is lifted from a dead-stop position with the bar resting on the traps, not from a weight handed off in the lock-out position.

I'm travelling for a couple of weeks (back around March 15). In the meantime, here are a few hidden gems from the archives.


The lost art of overhead pressing

Overhead pressCharles Poliquin takes a quick look at Overhead Pressing and suggests a 12 week program for its use. Having only recently tried a couple of sets myself, I personally can see a bit more overhead work going on. Unfortunately the low roof means that this will be seated only, but that's still a good start.

There were a couple of ratios mentioned in the article, and after Alberto got everyone going with the Achieving Structural Balance piece, I can see a similar thing happening here. They are :

1. The ratio between seated dumbbell overhead presses and the bench press

It should be that the weight done for 8 reps on each dumbbell represents 29% of the close-grip bench press measure. In other words, a man able to close-grip bench about 220 pounds for a single would use a pair of 65's for 8 reps in the seated dumbbell overhead presses.

2. The ratio between the behind-the-neck press and the bench press

The weight for a 1 RM behind-the-neck press from a seated position should represent 66% of the weight used for a 1 RM in the close-grip bench press. That load is lifted from a dead-stop position with the bar resting on the traps, not from a weight handed off in the lock-out position.

Bill GoldbergI'm travelling for a couple of weeks (back around March 15). In the meantime, here are a few hidden gems from the archives.


As Jim Wendler, Rick Walker and others have noted; traps maketh the man. Even if the rest of your body is comparatively small, huge traps are downright impressive.

In his article The Yoke, Wendler pointed out :

We live in a society that judges on physical appearance. Having big legs is ok, but no one notices. Big arms make you seem too narcissistic. A big chest makes you look like Captain UpperBody; a superhero no one wants to dress up like during Halloween. So that leaves the yoke as the essential body part to develop.

Besides which, a well-protected neck is always a good thing to have.

What is the yoke?

Yoke measurement (A)To a tailor measuring you up for a shirt (OK, imagine you're getting married or something; you can't wear t-shirts ALL the time), the yoke refers to the section from one shoulder to the other. Not around the back, but up and over the top. Bigger neck = bigger measurement.

To anyone who loves the iron, the yoke is simply the collection of muscles that sits around the neck and makes it look as though you're permanently wearing one of those inflatable travel pillows. Those muscles help protect your neck from all sorts of damage (which is why you'll often see footballers, wrestlers and MMA athletes working them seriously).

For a slightly more anatomical look at things, the yoke consists of :

Traps (Trapezius)

If the first exercise that came to mind when you read the word 'yoke' was the humble shrug, join the club. Listed below are several other ways to hit the traps, but the shrug is at the top of the list for a good reason - it works.

The traps help with several movements of your arms above your head (picture the movement of a pull-up, for starters). The top shelf always gets a little harder to reach after a solid deadlift day.

Rear Delts (Posterior Deltoids)

These are simply the muscles at the back of the shoulders, and help to raise your arms behind you (think of a rear lateral raise).

Neck (Several muscles, all designed to rotate and tilt your head in various directions)

This probably brings to mind helmets, neck harnesses and formula one racing drivers (if that last one surprises you, think about the G-forces those guys are repeatedly subjected to as they go around corners). There are several muscles involved, but they have a common purpose : to help protect the cervical spine. And rotating/tilting the head of course.

Bill GoldbergI'm travelling for a couple of weeks (back around March 15). In the meantime, here are a few hidden gems from the archives.


As Jim Wendler, Rick Walker and others have noted; traps maketh the man. Even if the rest of your body is comparatively small, huge traps are downright impressive.

In his article The Yoke, Wendler pointed out :

We live in a society that judges on physical appearance. Having big legs is ok, but no one notices. Big arms make you seem too narcissistic. A big chest makes you look like Captain UpperBody; a superhero no one wants to dress up like during Halloween. So that leaves the yoke as the essential body part to develop.

Besides which, a well-protected neck is always a good thing to have.

What is the yoke?

Yoke measurement (A)To a tailor measuring you up for a shirt (OK, imagine you're getting married or something; you can't wear t-shirts ALL the time), the yoke refers to the section from one shoulder to the other. Not around the back, but up and over the top. Bigger neck = bigger measurement.

To anyone who loves the iron, the yoke is simply the collection of muscles that sits around the neck and makes it look as though you're permanently wearing one of those inflatable travel pillows. Those muscles help protect your neck from all sorts of damage (which is why you'll often see footballers, wrestlers and MMA athletes working them seriously).

For a slightly more anatomical look at things, the yoke consists of :

Traps (Trapezius)

If the first exercise that came to mind when you read the word 'yoke' was the humble shrug, join the club. Listed below are several other ways to hit the traps, but the shrug is at the top of the list for a good reason - it works.

The traps help with several movements of your arms above your head (picture the movement of a pull-up, for starters). The top shelf always gets a little harder to reach after a solid deadlift day.

Rear Delts (Posterior Deltoids)

These are simply the muscles at the back of the shoulders, and help to raise your arms behind you (think of a rear lateral raise).

Neck (Several muscles, all designed to rotate and tilt your head in various directions)

This probably brings to mind helmets, neck harnesses and formula one racing drivers (if that last one surprises you, think about the G-forces those guys are repeatedly subjected to as they go around corners). There are several muscles involved, but they have a common purpose : to help protect the cervical spine. And rotating/tilting the head of course.

Nordic WalkingI'm travelling for a couple of weeks (back around March 15). In the meantime, here are a few hidden gems from the archives.


I have two doctors, my left leg and my right.
- George Trevelyan, 1913

Walking is a greatly underrated form of exercise. Whether you're trying to lose weight, increase your conditioning work or simply 'stay in shape'; walking will help you on the way to your goal.

How much should I do?

The commonly cited daily minimum is 10,000 steps (about 5 miles), but really, any amount of walking is beneficial. Just try to do more than you did the previous day or week.

Note that this includes all walking through the day. You'd be surprised at how fast it adds up; particularly if you're on your feet all day at work. The simplest way to measure this is with a pedometer (don't worry, it's a tiny, inconspicuous thing).

When should I do it?

Rather than trying to cover a large distance in a single session (and 5 miles can be quite a lot if you're not used to it), break it down. The simplest way to do this is walk in situations when you'd usually choose another option.

Sometimes this isn't feasible (especially if it's raining), but keep the following in mind as potential leave-the-car-and-walk times :

  • the journey to work
  • the trip to the corner shop for milk, bread and newspapers
  • stairs (instead of escalators)
  • weekends (think 'Sunday hike', rather than 'Sunday drive' - even if you drive to your starting point)

Nordic WalkingI'm travelling for a couple of weeks (back around March 15). In the meantime, here are a few hidden gems from the archives.


I have two doctors, my left leg and my right.
- George Trevelyan, 1913

Walking is a greatly underrated form of exercise. Whether you're trying to lose weight, increase your conditioning work or simply 'stay in shape'; walking will help you on the way to your goal.

How much should I do?

The commonly cited daily minimum is 10,000 steps (about 5 miles), but really, any amount of walking is beneficial. Just try to do more than you did the previous day or week.

Note that this includes all walking through the day. You'd be surprised at how fast it adds up; particularly if you're on your feet all day at work. The simplest way to measure this is with a pedometer (don't worry, it's a tiny, inconspicuous thing).

When should I do it?

Rather than trying to cover a large distance in a single session (and 5 miles can be quite a lot if you're not used to it), break it down. The simplest way to do this is walk in situations when you'd usually choose another option.

Sometimes this isn't feasible (especially if it's raining), but keep the following in mind as potential leave-the-car-and-walk times :

  • the journey to work
  • the trip to the corner shop for milk, bread and newspapers
  • stairs (instead of escalators)
  • weekends (think 'Sunday hike', rather than 'Sunday drive' - even if you drive to your starting point)

Pizza SnackThis is a guest post by Strength Coach Amanda Haren - Healthy Pizza Snack Recipe. Perfect.

My estimated nutrition facts are for 1 serving size of 1 english muffin (which is the serving size pictured):

Calories = 250
Carbohydrates = 30g
Fiber = 5.5g
Sugars = 4
Fat = 8g
Protein = 14g

NOTE: The best part about these is that they are really quick & easy to make!


  • 1 100% Whole Wheat English Muffin
  • Organic Pizza Sauce
  • Organic/Natural Mozzarella Cheese
  • OPTIONAL: Garlic Salt
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