Results matching “log”

Richard Sorin Talks Grip - SttB Articles

Via Zach Even-Esh : Here's Richard Sorin discussing grip training at a recent Martial Arts conference (part II, part III). Need I say more?

Elena 'Baby Doll' Reid - Test articles

Elena 'Baby Doll' ReidVia The Mighty Mix : Kat points to a nice piece over on The Sweet Science regarding the Female Fighter of the Year - Elena 'Baby Doll' Reid.

Elena 'Baby Doll' Reid - SttB Articles

Elena 'Baby Doll' ReidVia The Mighty Mix : Kat points to a nice piece over on The Sweet Science regarding the Female Fighter of the Year - Elena 'Baby Doll' Reid.

Rational Fitness Practice - Test articles

Train SmartTake a wander over to Scott Helsley's blog Rational Fitness Practice. A slightly irreverent look at kettlebell training - a great read.

Rational Fitness Practice - SttB Articles

Train SmartTake a wander over to Scott Helsley's blog Rational Fitness Practice. A slightly irreverent look at kettlebell training - a great read.

BJ's Fitness Blog - Test articles

BJ swinging 70lb bellLooking for another dose of kettlebell goodness? Swing by BJ's Fitness Blog - a peek into the training of Fitness Coach and Kettlebell Instructor BJ Bliffert. Good stuff.

BJ's Fitness Blog - SttB Articles

BJ swinging 70lb bellLooking for another dose of kettlebell goodness? Swing by BJ's Fitness Blog - a peek into the training of Fitness Coach and Kettlebell Instructor BJ Bliffert. Good stuff.

Home-made Prowler - Test articles

In the mood for a bit of DIY? The Fightraining Blog points to an interesting thread over on Animal Ability discussing various ways to make your own Prowler.

If you haven't seen one before, the above video shows a couple of the many excellent ways to put it to use. Great thing.

Home-made Prowler - SttB Articles

In the mood for a bit of DIY? The Fightraining Blog points to an interesting thread over on Animal Ability discussing various ways to make your own Prowler.

If you haven't seen one before, the above video shows a couple of the many excellent ways to put it to use. Great thing.

Lift with Your Head - Test articles

Lift with Your HeadThis is a guest post by bodybuilder, writer and lover of all forms of fitness - Kat 'The Mighty Kat' Ricker.
Lift with Your Head.

Lift with Your Head: The Training and Movement Philosophies of the Physical Subculture is anything but "just one more fitness book" to jam onto the shelf. Whether you're toying with the idea of starting out, getting back into shape, or whether you're a fitness fanatic, this is one book you can get into and get a lot out of.

Author Chip Conrad (owner of Body Tribe Fitness, a private gym in Sacramento that hosts art exhibits and speakers such as Found Magazine folks) has a snappy, down-to-earth, buoyant voice that belies his pleasure in a physically fit lifestyle. But he offers so much more than smart, unconventional exercises and diet advice. The first half of this book is alive with his philosophy on working out, living physically, and ... life.

So many books merely offer instruction. Lift with your Head offers insight and reflection. If deep down you've always had the inkling that we should play and have fun in order to live well, this book will articulate why that's valid, even vital. If you hanker for recess in your adult life, if you are turned off by today's corporately-run gyms, if you want to feel better without all the drudgery of "three 12-rep sets" and 12-week programs, this book will oxygenate a flame in you that has been quietly flickering. Passage after passage, Chip's thinking certainly resonates with mine.

The nuts and bolts? At the risk of cheapening it by spitting out some gems out of context - cleans, windmills, farmer's walk, deadlifts, beating tractor tires; dumbbells, kettlebells, clubbells, sandbags.

I must give props to the page design. Every clean, tidy, page is loaded with images - of real people enjoying using their bodies, not the soft-porn types of images you find in many fitness books.

I've got a lot of fitness books jammed onto my shelf. This is one of the few I'm taking from the bedside into the gym.

Lift with your Head is self-published and available only through the Physical Subculture Web site, for $21.95.

This review also appears over on Kat's site, The Mighty Fit Review. Pop over and say hello.

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