Results matching “Bird”

Another dose of photographic goodness, this time courtesy Josh Hewett over at Top Form Fitness. Swing by and say hello.

NB : I'm always on the lookout for other training-related images on Flickr. If you've come across any in your travels (or love taking a few of your own), add them to the SttB group or leave a note in the comments. Cheers.

Monday, 24 Jun 2013 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Over to you. I'd love to hear what you think : leave your comments on the above articles, and share them with your friends/colleagues/clients and so on.
NB : If you'd like to submit your own piece for Straight to the Bar, here's how.

Video : How to Build Your Deadlift

Good stuff Clint. There's certainly plenty to think about.

Gymchat 203 - TBA

Mystery Guest
Mystery Guest.
We're still finalising the details for this week's discussion. I'll post them on the blog (and Twitter, Google+ etc) shortly; here are the various ways to watch/join in.

However you take part, enjoy.

Details -

Who : TBA
Topic : TBA
When : Wednesday Jun 26, 9pm EST
How : Google+ Hangout. If you've never been to one, here's how to take part.
URL : We'll be announcing this shortly - both on the blog and on Google+ itself.

NB : If this is the first time you're joining us for one of the Video Gymchats, welcome. There are three basic ways to watch this (depending on whether you want to join us on the Hangout and ask a question or two, or just sit back and take it all in) - full details here. However you like to do it, we've got you covered.

Coming Up : In upcoming Gymchats we'll be discussing CrossFit, Rope Training and the Fitness Future of technologies such as Google Glass. Get your questions ready.

And if you'd like to suggest a topic for a future discussion - or volunteer to be interviewed on the show - just drop us a line. Cheers.

Tip of the Week: Training When Travelling

Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via Twitter, Google+, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there's always a way to improve what you're doing.

The other day I received a question on Google+ along the lines of 'how do I train when travelling?'. A few years ago, Mark Konen faced a similar situation. His solution (from the article Pack Light, Train Hard) :

Well traveled suitcase.
I am visiting my sedentary family soon and I will not be near a gym so here is my plan:

First, there is a wide variety of bodyweight exercises I can do including push-ups, sit-ups, mountain climbers, burpees, squats, pull-ups and jumping rope. I can fashion these as a circuit or even as a Tabata workout. So, the first thing I will pack is the Gymboss interval timer. Since I will already have my laptop with me, I could also use an online Tabata timer.

To make the bodyweight exercises even more challenging, I will bring along my jumpstretch bands; specifically the mini-bands. I can add resistance to any exercise I do and can also use it for assistance in pull-ups and range of motion (ROM) work. I also have a couple minor, nagging injuries that would benefit from some band work.

I will bring some running gear and would run in areas where I could also find some things like rocks to lift and throw. I may add in some hills and speed training. (I do use the word "speed" with a sense of humor)!

I'll toss in a Captains of Crush Gripper. I can use that while watching sports on the tube.

OK, so far so good. But I really would like to do some heavy lifting so what can I do that is the same as what I would do at my home gym? Sandbag training! All I have to do is to take my sandbag liners of 50, 25 and 10#, empty them at home and then go buy a couple of 50# bags at a hardware store close to where I'll be staying. Sand is cheap.

That about covers all I could possibly need to get in great workouts while out of town. Since I am going to a colder clime, it may be unlikely there will be a heavy snowfall this early in the season, but if I happen to be in a big snowstorm, you can't beat snow shovelling! Snow shovel intervals could be interesting, challenging and fun. Come to think of it, I'll have to look in my dad's garage. I wonder if he has a sledgehammer? I may be able to talk my mom into steering the car while I push it down the street for time or reps!

Good stuff.

Checking Out : Images of Strength

Over the years we've seen an incredible number of images (as well as creating more than a couple) looking at the world of training from every angle. Love it.

Many of these have come from Flickr, including the superb Escape Fitness photos we saw recently. I'm always on the lookout for more - have you seen any training-related images in your travels?

Quick update on the Renaissance Fitness Supplement Kits we mentioned recently - superb idea.

As we noted, we'll be reviewing these shortly. And if you missed the announcement, here's a brief video to explain the basic idea :

For more information, head on over to the official site -

Binoculars at Echo Point
Echo Point, Blue Mountains.

During the past week we've discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, Facebook and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.

Another dose of photographic goodness, this time courtesy Chris Anderson and Lily Chou at Wild About You Photography. Nice one guys.

NB : I'm always on the lookout for other training-related images on Flickr. If you've come across any in your travels (or love taking a few of your own), leave a note in the comments. Cheers.

Escape Fitness - SttB Articles

Always love seeing great training-related photos, and I just stumbled across the Escape Fitness page on Flickr. Nice one guys.

High Kick
High Kick. Photo by Umberto Salvagnin.
Have you ever wondered if it was possible to get ripped and learn how to defend yourself against dangerous criminals all at the same time? Good news folks, we've put together the ultimate self-defense workout for those of you who hate crime, but love getting buff.
You can't always sidestep every dangerous situation, even if you background check every acquaintance or stay cooped up in your home. Knowing some self-defense moves is a great way to feel more secure, and boost your overall confidence. It's one thing to look big and bad, but being able to back it up is something entirely different -- and a claim not many fitness buffs can make.

Here are a couple moves that are designed to build muscle, and give bad guys the beat down.

Heel Palm Strike. This exercise targets your glutes, quads and obliques.

Heel Palm Strike
Heel Palm Strike. Photo by Tiger Lily (Lily Chou).
What to do:
  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and pivot to the right, hands in fists, palms facing in.
  • Bend and pivot to the left as you simultaneously strike forward with your right palm, fingertips facing the ceiling.

When most people think of fending off an attacker, their minds automatically go to punching with a closed fist. But really, there are other body parts that can inflict more damage than a closed fist can. The base of your palm is a hard, flat surface. You can easily break someone's nose using this heel palm strike technique without any training.

Monday, 17 Jun 2013 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Over to you. I'd love to hear what you think : leave your comments on the above articles, and share them with your friends/colleagues/clients and so on.
NB : If you'd like to submit your own piece for Straight to the Bar, here's how.

Video : Duck Walking

Fantastic. And much, much harder than it looks - give it a try.

Gymchat 203 - TBA

Mystery Guest
Mystery Guest.
We're still finalising the details for this week's discussion. I'll post them on the blog (and Twitter, Google+ etc) shortly; here are the various ways to watch/join in.

However you take part, enjoy.

Details -

Who : TBA
Topic : TBA
When : Wednesday Jun 19, 9pm EST
How : Google+ Hangout. If you've never been to one, here's how to take part.
URL : We'll be announcing this shortly - both on the blog and on Google+ itself.

NB : If this is the first time you're joining us for one of the Video Gymchats, welcome. There are three basic ways to watch this (depending on whether you want to join us on the Hangout and ask a question or two, or just sit back and take it all in) - full details here. However you like to do it, we've got you covered.

Coming Up : In upcoming Gymchats we'll be discussing CrossFit, Rope Training and the Fitness Future of technologies such as Google Glass. Get your questions ready.

And if you'd like to suggest a topic for a future discussion - or volunteer to be interviewed on the show - just drop us a line. Cheers.

Tip of the Week: Optimal Rowing Technique

Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via Twitter, Google+, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there's always a way to improve what you're doing.

If you've ever used a rowing machine, you'll know the feeling well. Sometimes everything just clicks, and sometimes it doesn't.

Like anything though, a little bit of technique goes a long way. From the post Concept2 Rowing Technique, CrossFit Oldtown takes a look at the right way to tackle an indoor rowing machine :

NB : although they're using a Concept2 in this video, the same approach applies to almost any rowing machine. Give it a shot.

Looking Forward To : Napalm Pinch - How to Dominate the Two Hands Pinch

Jedd Johnson
'Napalm' Jedd Johnson.

We'll be posting a lot more on this shortly, but suffice to say, you'll want this. Especially if you're doing a little pinch training.

Napalm Pinch is - as the name suggests - 'Napalm' Jedd Johnson's DVD on pinch-training techniques. And as he set (and held) a number of world records for this lift in particular, you can be assured that it's top-quality information.

Details shortly, but for now, keep your eyes open for Napalm Pinch. Superb.

Quick update on the Renaissance Fitness Supplement Kits we mentioned recently - superb idea.

As we noted, we'll be reviewing these shortly. And if you missed the announcement, here's a brief video to explain the basic idea :

For more information, head on over to the official site -

Binoculars at Echo Point
Echo Point, Blue Mountains.

During the past week we've discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, Facebook and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.

Monday, 10 Jun 2013 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Over to you. I'd love to hear what you think : leave your comments on the above articles, and share them with your friends/colleagues/clients and so on.
NB : If you'd like to submit your own piece for Straight to the Bar, here's how.

Video : Barehand Horseshoe Bend (Kerckhaert Trainer Shoe)

I never get tired of seeing shoe bending. Love it.

Nice work Mike.

Gymchat 203 - TBA

Mystery Guest
Mystery Guest.
We're still finalising the details for this week's discussion. I'll post them on the blog (and Twitter, Google+ etc) shortly; here are the various ways to watch/join in.

However you take part, enjoy.

Details -

Who : TBA
Topic : TBA
When : Wednesday Jun 12, 9pm EST
How : Google+ Hangout. If you've never been to one, here's how to take part.
URL : We'll be announcing this shortly - both on the blog and on Google+ itself.

NB : If this is the first time you're joining us for one of the Video Gymchats, welcome. There are three basic ways to watch this (depending on whether you want to join us on the Hangout and ask a question or two, or just sit back and take it all in) - full details here. However you like to do it, we've got you covered.

Coming Up : In upcoming Gymchats we'll be discussing CrossFit, Rope Training and the Fitness Future of technologies such as Google Glass. Get your questions ready.

And if you'd like to suggest a topic for a future discussion - or volunteer to be interviewed on the show - just drop us a line. Cheers.

Tip of the Week: It's Never Too Late to Start

Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via Twitter, Google+, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there's always a way to improve what you're doing.

We'll be discussing this in a lot more detail in an upcoming Gymchat (and if you'd like to be involved, let me know); the idea of starting your strength-training well into your senior years.
We've looked at a number of older athletes over the years (for an idea of how many there are, just take a glance at the 'still got it' tag on the blog), and this quote sums up my thinking perfectly.
From the post 'Exercise in Healthy Older Adults' :
Age is not a contraindication to exercise, which can usually be initiated safely in older persons.

In short, it's never too late to start.

Checking Out : Body Solid GDR363 3-Tier Horizontal Dumbbell Rack

A friend of mine is currently looking for a dumbbell rack (picked up a load of 'bells over the weekend), and I suggested something like the one pictured (a Body Solid GDR363 3-Tier Horizontal Dumbbell Rack). Looks great, but I've never actually used this one (I'm still using a DIY job I made years ago). Anyone here tried it?

The Body Solid GDR363 3-Tier Horizontal Dumbbell Rack.

Quick update on the Renaissance Fitness Supplement Kits we mentioned recently - superb idea.

As we noted, we'll be reviewing these shortly. And if you missed the announcement, here's a brief video to explain the basic idea :

For more information, head on over to the official site -

Binoculars at Echo Point
Echo Point, Blue Mountains.

During the past week we've discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, Facebook and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.
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