Stabilization is EXTREMELY important when attempting to tear cards; if you do not have a solid grip on the deck, cards will start slipping and just attempting to get a nice tear started will be close to impossible. "What can I do to counter act this?!" you ask... well I have some exercise suggestions that will improve not only your stabilization but also your crushing strength:
- Crimp grip around the worlds
- Crimp grip static holds
- "Choke" static holds with implement card deck
Crimp grip around the worlds are an incredible way to build not only stability but also endurance, crushing strength, and wrist strength. Position two five pound plates or two ten pound plates together (depending on your current strength levels, you might have to start off with the two fives to gauge) and place only your four fingers overtop of the combined plates in a sort of steering wheel set up. The image above shows the grip set up...