Pavel Tsatsouline's latest newsletter points to a thought-provoking piece - "The Soft American" - written by the great JFK. Although it was originally published in December 1960, do the main themes still hold true?
Results matching “Bird”
German Olympic Weightlifter Josef Steinbach.
Karl Gillingham deadlifting two Inch Dumbbell replicas at once [.mov, 764kb]. One of several great videos over on the Jackal's Gym site.
Brian Carson points to a Combat Conditioning video [streaming, 22.9mb .flv download] showing Matt Furey demonstrating the Dand (the 'Hindu Push-up' in his vernacular). It's a great exercise; particularly as part of a morning bodyweight-only workout.
Mark Vogels reshapes a 6" Ironmind Red Nail [streaming, 7.2mb .flv download]. Love it.
The Conan's Wheel ranks highly on my list on fun Strongman events; managing to combine the cruel nature of Zercher Squats with the intensity of a Farmer's Walk. If you haven't seen this before, here [streaming, 3.2mb .flv download] are a few of the guys from Team USA at the recent Philadelphia Strongman '07 (part of the Sunoco Festival).
Low-carb diets are controversial at the best of times, and I'm very interested to see how this one goes. Muscle Ventures' Bud Gibson bares all (metaphorically, that is) as he combines an Atkins diet with a healthy dose of strength training. Should be good.
T-Nation's TC takes a look at that great bodybuilding staple - the push-pull workout. Very interesting.
Eric Cressey raises a few interesting points in relation to shoulder strengthening for baseball. If you play sports which involve overhead throwing (or train those who do), read on.
Anil Doshi just put me on to a new workout-logging site - introPLAY. I'm still playing with it (parts of it are not quite Mac-friendly, which makes it a little tricky), but it's essentially an area for logging your workouts with several community benefits.
An interesting idea, and well worth checking out.