Say hello to the enigmatic Ben over at Fire in the Ice. Looks like a great training journal, encompassing a Crossfit-style mix of bodyweight and weighted workouts.
Results matching “Bird”
It's been stormy weather for much of this week here at Straight to the Bar. Between lightning flashes and power outages, the following made an appearance :
- Budget training : Ross Enamait takes a great look at strength training on a budget. More potent than you might think.
- New blogs : Steakbellie and Geoff Neupert's Chasing Strength join the ever-growing list.
- Strongman training video : join the guys over at Lift, Drag, Carry gearing up for the 2006 Arizona Strongman.
- Lifting in long spine : a very interesting idea, relayed here by Geoff Neupert. A great read.
- Training for young athletes : a great discussion between the IYCA's Brian Gasso and Mike Boyle.
The International Youth Conditioning Association's Brian Grasso and Mike Boyle discuss the training of young athletes [zipped .m4a, 17mb]. A very good listen.
There's an interesting discussion on the Dragon Door forums on the merits of dumbbells vs kettlebells. For anyone considering the purchase of their first kettlebell, some of the differences noted were :
- kettlebells have their centre of balance off-centre, which offers the stabiliser muscle benefits usually associated with odd-object lifting
- performing swings, snatches and cleans feels more natural and fun with kettlebells
- From Pavel Tsatouline :
the ability to do many swings safely with a KB. With a large enough DB you would take your knees out with a pronated grip. With a semi-supinated grip your elbow could not handle the volume.
- kettlebells afford a more comfortable rack position, increasing ROM in presses and making exercises such as Front Squats a little easier
I'd add the following :
- kettlebells have a thick, curved handle; ensuring a great grip workout every session
Not to mention the fact that throwing a large chunk of iron around is just downright fun.
Geoff Neupert has a great piece over on Chasing Strength regarding the concept of 'lifting in long spine'. Very interesting indeed.
The guys from training (video - streaming, 12mb .flv download via KeepVid) for this year's Arizona Strongman. Overhead pressing, stones and tyre flips. Good stuff.
The world of competitive eating's a strange one indeed. Take a look at it through the eyes of Steakbellie, who mixes kettlebell training and gluttony in a very entertaining way. Odd is an understatement.
As part of this month's series on workout locations, Blaine takes a look at some of the pros and cons of working out at a commercial gym. Now, I'm off to find a decent one around here.
Ross Enamait does it again. If you're looking for a solid workout without spending a lot of money, check out the article (and make sure you watch the video on that page) Budget Training. Superb.
Geoff Neupert is a personal trainer with passions for both Olympic lifting and kettlebells. His blog contains some great stuff on each, and his latest post - The Importance of Kettlebells and Developing Work Capacity - is no exception. Well worth a look.