Very interesting way to look at it.
Results matching “Bird”
I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :
- Gem From The Vault : The Dragon Flag
Al Kavadlo | Follow @alkavadlo
Ready for a challenge? - Looking At : Jan 7, 2018
Scott Andrew Bird | Follow @scottbird
What's been going on this week? Quite a lot actually.
Over to you. I'd love to hear what you think : leave your comments on the above articles, and share them with your friends/colleagues/clients and so on.
NB : If you're keen to do a little fitness writing and would like to submit your own piece for Straight to the Bar, get in touch.
Video : What Makes an Elite Lifter (Silent Mike & Boris Sheiko)
Very interesting way to look at it.
Gymchat 278 - TBA
We're still finalising the details for this week's discussion. I'll post them on the blog (and Twitter, Google+ etc) shortly.
In the meantime, take a look at some of the previous episodes of the show - (there's an example below, and a full list here). And if you've got any questions or comments on the various topics discussed, we'd love to hear them. Just leave a note below the video.
If you missed the live stream (or just want to go over a particular point again), you can watch the entire video here.
NB : if you'd like to take part in a future episode - either as an interviewee, or as a guest host - just drop us a line. Love hearing how everyone else trains.
Tip of the Week: Fix Your Feet
Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via Twitter, Google+, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there's always a way to improve what you're doing.
This tip is from Josh Hewett's excellent 'Bulletproof Your Body' series. The real benefits of including your feet in your training.
Over to Josh :
You need to gradually strengthen your feet and slowly introduce them to greater range of motion. Walking barefoot on soft sand or grass is a great way to start... plus it feels good! If you have access to a beach or a well manicured lawn, slowly progress from walking barefoot for a few minutes at a time and working up to a longer duration, before introducing any more challenging barefoot activities.
For walking on solid surfaces such as concrete, I suggest you wear appropriate footwear that will provide minimal support while still allowing for greater natural movement of your feet.
Good stuff. Note that this is only a snippet from the full piece - swing by Josh' blog for the entire article [.pdf]. A great read.
Checking Out : ONE SMARTDIET Bodyfat Measurement Tool
Very keen to test this one out.
The ONE SMARTDIET is a portable body composition analysis device - sharing the information via your 'phone. Great way to do it.
For a look at the device itself, a spot of video :
The ONE SMARTDIET Bodyfat Measurement Tool.
Quick update on the Hip Thruster we mentioned recently - fantastic thing.
Rather than trying to explain how it works, here it is in action :
Good stuff Bret, looks great.
During the past week we've discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, Nuzzel and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.
Continuing those thoughts, here are a few items that may make an appearance over the next year or so. Health & Fitness Predictions for 2018.
NB : I always receive some wonderful feedback on these 'peer into the future' posts - greatly appreciated. If you'd like to drop me a line, just point me to a tweet or leave a comment on Google+. Cheers.
Graphene begins to be used in high-end sports clothing. First cab off the rank - running shoes.
Many more medical conditions move from 'no treatment available' to 'treatable' and even 'curable' in some cases. This includes a number of neurodegenerative conditions - with everything from Parkinsons to ALS being aided to some degree.
Brain implants to assist with memory recall first used in Alzheimer's patients. This is a wonderful extension of the 'Deep Brain Stimulation' idea, and will undoubtedly lead to assistance with several more memory-related conditions - and ultimately for everyone who simply wants a boost in that regard.
Partial removal of senescent cells performed on patients with no obvious medical need (elective surgery). This is to (hopefully) slow the aging process in humans - it already shows promise in mice.
Medical drone distribution centers begin to appear. These are to quickly distribute medical supplies in remote areas.
NB : future incarnations should be fairly mobile, for use in disaster-hit areas.
Probiotic supplements begin to hit the market. I suspect the Fitbiomics ones will be first.
Several Personal Trainer audio assistants (in headphone form) available for runners, cyclists, swimmers - many of them with integration to other apps + services. If you're a fitness professional of any kind, this presents a wonderful opportunity.
General Trends
Wearables gradually become more accurate, and several of them are certified as diagnostic devices. Think smartwatches, contact lenses, temporary tattoos and earbuds.
As Augmented Reality devices (and the associated software) continue to improve, 'Virtual Workouts' will appear in various incarnations. Everything from 'product 'x' in your living room' to an ability to work out in your idealised fantasy gym.
Air pollution continues to disappear, globally. 2018 is very likely to see the release of many new electric cars, the launch of electric car-sharing schemes, electric cargo ships and a whole lot more.
Incidentally - if you're wondering how we did last time around, here's the list.
I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :
- Gem From The Vault : Thomas Topham - The First Modern Strongman
Scott Andrew Bird | Follow @scottbird
Where it all began. - Looking At : Dec 17, 2017
Scott Andrew Bird | Follow @scottbird
What's been going on this week? Quite a lot actually.
Over to you. I'd love to hear what you think : leave your comments on the above articles, and share them with your friends/colleagues/clients and so on.
NB : If you're keen to do a little fitness writing and would like to submit your own piece for Straight to the Bar, get in touch.
Video : ShredsLife
This will be an interesting series - showing the rapid cutting of body fat. Silent Mike explains.
Gymchat 278 - TBA
We're still finalising the details for this week's discussion. I'll post them on the blog (and Twitter, Google+ etc) shortly.
In the meantime, take a look at some of the previous episodes of the show - (there's an example below, and a full list here). And if you've got any questions or comments on the various topics discussed, we'd love to hear them. Just leave a note below the video.
If you missed the live stream (or just want to go over a particular point again), you can watch the entire video here.
NB : if you'd like to take part in a future episode - either as an interviewee, or as a guest host - just drop us a line. Love hearing how everyone else trains.
Health & Fitness Predictions for 2018
As this is the last full newsletter for 2017 (Merry Christmas!), I've listed a few predictions for the coming year. Things we're bound to be talking about.NB : I always receive some wonderful feedback on these 'peer into the future' posts - greatly appreciated. If you'd like to drop me a line, just point me to a tweet or leave a comment on Google+. Cheers.
Graphene begins to be used in high-end sports clothing. First cab off the rank - running shoes.
Many more medical conditions move from 'no treatment available' to 'treatable' and even 'curable' in some cases. This includes a number of neurodegenerative conditions - with everything from Parkinsons to ALS being aided to some degree.
Brain implants to assist with memory recall first used in Alzheimer's patients. This is a wonderful extension of the 'Deep Brain Stimulation' idea, and will undoubtedly lead to assistance with several more memory-related conditions - and ultimately for everyone who simply wants a boost in that regard.
Partial removal of senescent cells performed on patients with no obvious medical need (elective surgery). This is to (hopefully) slow the aging process in humans - it already shows promise in mice.
Medical drone distribution centers begin to appear. These are to quickly distribute medical supplies in remote areas.
NB : future incarnations should be fairly mobile, for use in disaster-hit areas.
Probiotic supplements begin to hit the market. I suspect the Fitbiomics ones will be first.
Several Personal Trainer audio assistants (in headphone form) available for runners, cyclists, swimmers - many of them with integration to other apps + services. If you're a fitness professional of any kind, this presents a wonderful opportunity.
General Trends
Wearables gradually become more accurate, and several of them are certified as diagnostic devices. Think smartwatches, contact lenses, temporary tattoos and earbuds.
As Augmented Reality devices (and the associated software) continue to improve, 'Virtual Workouts' will appear in various incarnations. Everything from 'product 'x' in your living room' to an ability to work out in your idealised fantasy gym.
Air pollution continues to disappear, globally. 2018 is very likely to see the release of many new electric cars, the launch of electric car-sharing schemes, electric cargo ships and a whole lot more.
Incidentally - if you're wondering how we did last time around, here's the list.
Checking Out : Best of 2018
We've pointed to some wonderful products over the past 12 months - books, downloadable videos, pieces of equipment and so on. Here are just a few of our favourites :
The Pullup & Dip | Great idea.
The Tim Ferriss Show #252 - The 'Meathead Millionaire' - SuperTraining's Mark Bell | Love this show.
The Blazepod | A great way to put yourself to the test.
The QLIPP Tennis Sensor | Interesting idea.
The Immortal Strength Harness and Water-Fillable Club | Superb combination.
The HearScope Smartphone Otoscope | Very interesting pairing.
The Radius™ F1 - Smart Bike Light | Fantastic.
Incidentally - if you're searching for something specific, there's a full list here. I'd also love to hear what your own favourite items are - jump over to the Google+ Community and let us know.
Quick update on the Hip Thruster we mentioned recently - fantastic thing.
Rather than trying to explain how it works, here it is in action :
Good stuff Bret, looks great.
During the past week we've discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, Nuzzel and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.
I think it's fair to say that I'm a huge fan of cycling as a means of getting around. Great way to exercise and to explore the world around you.
This device helps to address the safety side of things - particularly when riding at night. The Radius™ F1 - Smart Bike Light, which becomes brighter as you cycle faster.
A spot of video :
I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :
- Gem From The Vault : Blast from the Past - Neck Training Methods
Scott Andrew Bird | Follow @scottbird
For strength, safety or simply to look great in a suit. - Looking At : Dec 10, 2017
Scott Andrew Bird | Follow @scottbird
What's been going on this week? Quite a lot actually.
Over to you. I'd love to hear what you think : leave your comments on the above articles, and share them with your friends/colleagues/clients and so on.
NB : If you're keen to do a little fitness writing and would like to submit your own piece for Straight to the Bar, get in touch.
Video : How to Muscle Up
Fantastic tutorial. If you're learning this wonderful movement, start here.
Gymchat 278 - TBA
We're still finalising the details for this week's discussion. I'll post them on the blog (and Twitter, Google+ etc) shortly.
In the meantime, take a look at some of the previous episodes of the show - (there's an example below, and a full list here). And if you've got any questions or comments on the various topics discussed, we'd love to hear them. Just leave a note below the video.
If you missed the live stream (or just want to go over a particular point again), you can watch the entire video here.
NB : if you'd like to take part in a future episode - either as an interviewee, or as a guest host - just drop us a line. Love hearing how everyone else trains.
Tip of the Week: Setting a Gripper
Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via Twitter, Google+, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there's always a way to improve what you're doing.
This tip comes to us from the incredible Jedd 'Napalm' Johnson, and takes the form of a superb video. Enjoy.
Incidentally, if you want to learn more techniques like this, check out Jedd's own The Grip Authority.
Fantastic site.
Checking Out : The Radius™ F1 - Smart Bike Light
I think it's fair to say that I'm a huge fan of cycling as a means of getting around. Great way to exercise and to explore the world around you.
This device helps to address the safety side of things - particularly when riding at night. The Radius™ F1 - Smart Bike Light, which becomes brighter as you cycle faster.
A spot of video :
NB : We've recommended a number of books, DVDs & pieces of equipment over the years. Here's the complete list :
Quick update on the Hip Thruster we mentioned recently - fantastic thing.
Rather than trying to explain how it works, here it is in action :
Good stuff Bret, looks great.
During the past week we've discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, Nuzzel and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.