I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :
- Gem From the Vault : The Future of Workout Clothing
Scott Andrew Bird | Follow @scottbird
Where's it all going? - Looking At : Jun 19, 2016
Scott Andrew Bird | Follow @scottbird
What's been going on this week? Quite a lot actually.
Over to you. I'd love to hear what you think : leave your comments on the above articles, and share them with your friends/colleagues/clients and so on.
NB : If you're keen to do a little fitness writing and would like to submit your own piece for Straight to the Bar, get in touch.
Video : Juggling With A Punch
(Chris 'Hairculese' Rider)
A quick way to open a few drinks.
Gymchat 278 - TBA
We're still finalising the details for this week's discussion. I'll post them on the blog (and Twitter, Google+ etc) shortly.
In the meantime, take a look at some of the previous episodes of the show - (there's an example below, and a full list here). And if you've got any questions or comments on the various topics discussed, we'd love to hear them. Just leave a note below the video.
If you missed the live stream (or just want to go over a particular point again), you can watch the entire video here.
NB : if you'd like to take part in a future episode - either as an interviewee, or as a guest host - just drop us a line. Love hearing how everyone else trains.
Tip of the Week: Try a Caffeine Nap
Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via Twitter, Google+, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there's always a way to improve what you're doing.
For a start, they take place at different times of the day.
I'm curious though - has anyone here sampled a Caffeine Nap? I'd love to hear your thoughts; particularly if it's a regular thing.
From the article 'Caffeine Napping' :
Sleep researchers at Loughborough University were looking at various ways to keep motorists awake on long journeys. The winner - perhaps somewhat surprisingly - was the 'caffeine nap'.
The idea is simple : drink a cup of coffee and immediately take a brief (15-20min) nap. This helps clear the body of adenosine, a chemical commonly believed to make you drowsy.
Very interesting indeed.
Checking Out : Street Workout (Al and Danny Kavadlo)
Superb.Street Workout is the latest offering from the wonderful Kavadlo brothers, and is certainly an extremely thorough covering of calisthenics work. The exercises themselves, underlying concepts and complete programs.
If you're at all serious about bodyweight work, I can't recommend this highly enough.
Quick update on the Hip Thruster we mentioned recently - fantastic thing.
Rather than trying to explain how it works, here it is in action :
Good stuff Bret, looks great.