Via LIFT : The GoPro DigitalHero3 wrist-mounted cameras look superb. Take a wander over to the official site for a couple of superb videos.
The ideas are flooding in already.
Via LIFT : The GoPro DigitalHero3 wrist-mounted cameras look superb. Take a wander over to the official site for a couple of superb videos.
The ideas are flooding in already.
Of course, there's a little more to it than that. The Science of Sport takes a look at this unusual situation.
A good read.
Laree Draper points to a timely (in my case, anyway) DVD on Ageless Mobility. Judging by the Active Ageing presentation mentioned in the article, the DVD should be a good one indeed.
Anyone else already grabbed a copy?
Ready for some serious bending? Pop over and say hi to Adam at Walk the Road Less Travelled. Good stuff.
A brief snippet I just noticed on Uncooped, via Lifehacker - How to make a shapeable ice pack.
Ready for the next time I drop a plate on my foot.
Another great photo from Beyond Strong's Nick McKinless - Laurence Shahlaei pulling 748. Love it.
Stiff neck? Sore shoulders? Try this Levator Scapulae stretch, courtesy Eric Cressey.
Love the description :
To stretch the right levator scapulae, put your right hand behind your back as if you’re getting handcuffed, then look down toward your left foot while pulling your head in that same direction with the left hand. You’ll feel a stretch along the right side of the back of your neck.
And yes, it works.
Via sublimited : if you enjoy skating, you'll love this site. SkateSpotter.
The long-rumoured A-Team movie is finally in pre-production. Love it.