I love this stuff - Mark Vogels enjoying a 6mm X 30mm X 330mm flat steel bar bend [streaming, 9.9mb .flv download].
Results matching “Bird”
Powerlifting Watch points to a very interesting discussion over at Iron Trybe on the reasons mainstream media doesn't have much presence at powerlifting meets. Personally, I see it as an aspect of promotion - it's up to the meet organisers to attract the media attention.
What are your thoughts?
There are some superb lifting and fitness articles over on personal trainer Bryce Lane's IronSports.tv. Definitely worth a read.
Dunk. Photo © 2007 Ken Hill Photography.
Via Om Shanti : the Digital Asana Project really gets underway with a great collection of videos; demonstrating various moves. If you're at all curious about Yoga, these are a must-see.
'It doesn't have to be fun to be fun' is personal trainer Alison Bojarski's record of her training for the next NYC Marathon. As you'll soon see, this is an excellent mix of traditional weight-training, CrossFit daily workouts and running. Love it.
Via Gymnastics Coaching : the beauty of Yoga (just one of a great series). Photo © 2007 Josef Vital.
Via Engadget : This robot brings to mind many, many sci-fi stories. The new-and-improved RunBot. To see it in action, check out the videos on Tao Geng's research page.
Charley Allen has a new online home - several, really - including Kettlebell Lifting (the centre of it all) and Kettlebell Painting (exactly what it says). Definitely time to update the reader.
Via the Daily Mail : Wendy the whopper of a Whippet. Wow.