As much as I dislike any conversations along the lines of 'if you could only do one exercise, which would it be', Scott Sonnon raises some excellent points. Take a look.
Results matching “Bird”
This is a guest post by Mehdi, author of
You're into strength training for some time. And now you decided to incorporate Olympic lifts. You want to Power Clean. But the problem is: you don't have bumper plates. You have normal rubber plates. What do you do?
Well you could buy a set of bumper plates. But this will cost you money. And you end up with twice the amount of plates.
Better is to use 2 old tyres & wheels as bumper plates. Easy & cheap. Here's how to make your own bumper plates.
Maximum Recruitment Training (MRT) is a superb two-part article (part I, part II) by Chad Waterbury. Taking an in-depth look at muscle fibre recruitment, this is a great read.
A great week here at Straight to the Bar. A few highlights :
- Articles : The Ice Chamber takes a brief look at kipping pull-ups, Alan Kahn tells you everything you need to know about speedbag swivels and Blaine discusses your options for training whilst on the road.
- Videos : Dave Tate demonstrates the Back Attack, Brett Jones struts his stuff in Denmark and and Rob shows exactly how to make your own Nunchaku. Love it.
- Sites : Chris keeps us up-to-date in the world of Conditioning Research, Coach Rutherford lives at The Fitness Conduit and Gymnastics on Demand helps keep the skills current.
- Ideas : Try a few heavy sandbag sprints, run up a wall or two (this is great inspiration) and grab a few people at the gym and try this.
- Bonus :
For a while now I've considered getting into some serious martial arts training. The videos over at Total Warrior (Sensei Rick Tew's site) are very much a 'yes' vote. Great stuff.
Olympic wrestler and actor Nat Pendleton, here pictured as Eugen Sandow in the 1936 film The Great Ziegfeld.
It's great to hear about people using Powerlifting for fitness, rather than the strength aspects often focused on by mainstream media. A good read.
If climbing's your thing, the Backcountry contest over at Rock Climbing for Life may be just what you're looking for (think free climbing stuff, and you'll see why). The idea's simple - share your best climbing videos, photos or stories and have a chance to win a $75 voucher for Backcountry.
Sounds great - details here.
Via Ultimatejournal : The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook
. Looks great - anyone here read it?
Gymnastics Coaching points to a site with a great idea - Gymnastics on Demand. Online training videos, monthly subscription.
This month's collaboration with Run to Win's Blaine Moore looks at training when you're travelling. This week Blaine discusses a few options for training whilst on the road. Enjoy.