Ladder climbing - a beautifully simple way to work out [streaming, 1.8mb .flv download].
Results matching “Bird”
My deepest condolences Ken.
When it comes to straight talking, you don't get much more direct than Alwyn Cosgrove or Chad Waterbury. The two have teamed up for a superbly simple, no-nonsense look at the training side of fat loss. Definitely a keeper.
Via Workout Routines : if Eric Cressey's recent suggestion has you thinking about single-limb movements, here are a few Pistol Squats to add to the inspiration [streaming, 1.1mb .flv download].
The Final Sprint takes a very comprehensive look at the particularly frustrating world of Hip Tendonitis. A great read.
The latest version of Hard-Style - Dragon Door's regular magazine - is ready for download [.pdf, 9.1mb]. Enjoy.
Kirk's, that is. I've never been overweight (since I started school, anyway - I was carrying a bit extra as a toddler); so I'm always incredibly impressed by those who have been and have managed to shed a few pounds.
In Kirk's case that's around 100 - through a great mix of diet, cardio and the all-important lifting of heavy stuff. Superb.
If rock climbing's your thing, this is definitely the site for you - Ryan Coisson's Rock Climbing for Life.
No matter what your lifting goals are, there are several exercises that just make sense for most people (those suffering injury or illness can be excluded for now). Squats, deadlifts, bench press and chin-ups to name a few.
Eric Cressey would like to add a few single-limb (primarily leg) exercises to that brief list. Particularly those that fall into these three categories :
- Static Unsupported (such as Pistols and 1-leg RDLs)
- Static Supported (such as Bulgarian Split Squats)
- Dynamic (such as Lunges and Step-ups)
Sounds like a great plan.
Saint Wilhelm's user 'bacon' (aka Bryan) has put together a great video showing the construction and use of his Dip Station. Superb.