Kris is to thank for the exercise that inspired this one. Almost two years ago, following a bit of light reading (Bill Pearl's Keys to the Inner Universe), he performed Compound Stiff-legged Dumbbell Deadlifts. The exercise below is simply the kettlebell equivalent.
Compound kettlebell stiff-legged deadlift
Starting with feet about shoulder-width apart, and the kettlebell in front of the left foot, bend forward at the hips and straighten the legs (don't lock the knees). Grab the bell with the right hand, straighten, then lean straight forward and touch the bell to the ground between your feet. Straighten once again, the lean forward and touch the bell in front of your right foot. That's one rep.
Repeat the process using the left hand, working from the right foot to left.
As with other deadlift varieties, standing on a platform is a handy option.
Further thoughts
The kettlebell may seem like light weight for something like this (although you may rethink this after a few sets). I think I'll keep it in mind for high-volume, finisher or feeder work. Or even partnered with a more intense exercise, in a compound or super set.