Results matching “Bird”

Matt Kroczaleski deadliftIf you're on your way to a deadlift session, make sure you stop by this [streaming, 988kb .flv download] for some inspiration.

San Juan Swan - Test articles

Jay squattingConditioning, martial arts and trail running. Not to mention a little free-weight work. A very interesting mix.

TGIF : weekly round-up - Test articles

Listless (Sonny Liston knocked out by Cassius Clay)Another week here on Straight to the Bar in which the backyard pool proved more than tempting. Whilst drying off, the following appeared :

Wiki - Test articles

Straight to the Bar wikiMike recently suggested that a wiki would be a great way to share - and update - the equipment information that appeared here recently (both the original glossary and the bars, plates, hooks and collars post). Excellent idea : you'll find it at I've copied across the glossary items to get it started, but I'm sure there are plenty of things to add.

If you've never used a wiki before, just think of it as a site which anyone can edit. Wikipedia is perhaps the best known example of how effective these can be.

Pauline NordinYou can never have too many blogs in your reader (well, the occasional clean-out doesn't hurt). Here are a few more for your perusal :

Diesel grip videos - Test articles

Plate pinchingVia Napalm's Corner : 3 great grip videos from Diesel. Enjoy.

The science of boiling eggs - Test articles

Formula for boiling the perfect eggIt doesn't seem to matter how many powdered egg products are on the market, none of them taste - that I've found so far - as good as the real thing. If you're also in the 'real egg' camp, you may appreciate some of the science behind boiling the perfect egg.

If the idea of keeping a length of string in the kitchen sounds like one step too far (I can already see the neighbours snickering and pointing), take a look at the Foolproof Egg Timer. Instead of recording time, it goes in the water with the eggs and records temperature; taking into account the number of eggs, amount of water and altitude. Beautiful.

Oh, and if you want to fill up the kitchen gadget drawer, there's always Clack. On second thoughts, perhaps that belongs with the string.

See also :

Slightly less scientific is the art of peeling the eggs. But an 'impeccably clean sink'?

Ali's life in pictures - Test articles

Ali (then still known as Cassius Clay) after beating Liston to become championAs Muhammad Ali celebrates his 65th birthday, BBC Sport calls up some great pictures from his past. Enjoy.

Tyre flip trainingTroy Anderson and the team from Blue Collar Athlete have just put up their latest Lift, Drag, Carry strongman training video [streaming, 13.92mb .flv] ; this time featuring the girls doing a little stone and tyre work. Great to see.

Get your geek on : 37 - Test articles

Tri-Geek DreamsEpisode 37 of the Tri-Geek Dreams podcast has arrived. Load up the iPod.

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