If you've ever considered designing your own outdoor gym (perhaps Kris has started something), take a look at the equipment from Outdoor Fitness. It's much, much more than the usual suspects.
Results matching “Bird”
Mike Mahler has a nice piece in his latest newsletter on training for general fitness. Whilst it's great to devise a program for someone who wants to lose 30lbs or push their deadlift up 50; most people just want a general increase in fitness. What does that mean?
Via Get Outdoors : If the Walk to Work Day has you thinking - but cycling's more your style - try the "11th hour" contest over at ThisNext. There's a superb Globe City commuter bike up for grabs. Beautiful.
Via Get Outdoors : Is it too early to begin compiling a Christmas wishlist? The Digiwall is somewhere between a climbing wall and a computer game (take a look at the video).
Man, I want one.
Via Physical Strategies : An excellent thread over at Clutch Fitness on DC Training. Some great information in there.
Charles Staley poses an interesting question over at Masters Performance : which is more important in a workout, variety or the illusion of variety? Definite food for thought.
Via Yahoo! Health : Not yet, but soon.
Diabetic children exhale higher levels of methyl nitrate than other kids. This is good news indeed, as it means that testing could soon be as simple as blowing into a monitoring device; rather than the current routine of finger stick tests. Excellent.
Wrestlers sizing up in Ulaanbaatar's Naadam Festival.
As several people have noted (although Mike was first), kettlebells have gone mainstream. Great to see.