In keeping with the rack-pull focus of the current deadlift program, I decided to add a few lockouts to my bench work. The idea is to slide these in after a bit of heavy flat bench pressing, although today's workout was solely designed to get an idea of my current max.
The pins were set right beneath the j-hooks, which gives around 25cm range of motion. This proved to be larger than I thought, and I soon found myself getting stapled under 100kg.
Rack lockout (25cm ROM) 20@20kg, 10@40kg, 10@60kg, 5@70kg, 5@80kg, 3@90kg, 0@100kg
I followed the pressing with a brief upper back workout, which comprised a few supersets of chin-ups and band pull-aparts. The basic mini-band (35lb of resistance) proved quite enough for these; at least when immediately following the chins. The fact that there was only around 10sec rest between sets didn't help.
Chin-up/band pull-apart (mini band #1) - supersetted 12/20, 7/20, 5/20
Finished with a few sets of band tricep pushdowns, which - as I suspected - are a great way to end things.
2×20 (blue band)
20 (green band)
10 (green band, each hand separately)
NB : a list of each band and the resistance given is here.