Illustration by Sylvia Nickerson
A few snippets from this week’s health news :
- Like Cures Like Would you like to reduce the risk of developing anything from cancer to Alzheimer's? In that case, you should expose your body to heavy physical stress. So heavy that it borders on being injurious.
- Selenium pills 'may combat HIV' Taking daily selenium supplements may block the build up of HIV in a patient's blood, research suggests.
- The Older-and-Wiser Hypothesis In 1950, the psychoanalyst Erik H. Erikson, in a famous treatise on the phases of life development, identified wisdom as a likely, but not inevitable, byproduct of growing older...Unfortunately for researchers who followed, Erikson didn’t bother to define wisdom.
- Kidney health group turns to YouTube A health lobby group says it has turned to YouTube to campaign for kidney disease awareness because the federal government is failing to promote the issue. NB : The video's here [streaming, 5.3mb .flv download]
- Kids Don't Notice "Stealth Vegetables" A Penn State study shows that decreasing the calorie density of foods by adding vegetables and other lower-calorie ingredients leads to a reduction in children's calorie intake and an increase in vegetable consumption.
Oh, and "Stealth Vegetables" doesn't just mean hiding the peas under your knife. Although that works occasionally.