Russian champions George Hackenshmidt and [Stanislav?] Eliseev.
Results matching “Bird”
The gang from the FitCast chats to strength and conditioning coach Mike Boyle. He's an extremely interesting guy.
Jason C. Brown demonstrates just some of the ways that a kettlebell may be gripped (prior to pressing, snatching and so on). Very interesting indeed.
Health Hackers is a site devoted to helping the geeks of the world (and I definitely count myself in that number). If you spend most of your day hovering over a keyboard, this is one site you may just want to take a look at.
Finn Casey sails above Ashby Ollie - photo © 2007 Jason Lunn. One of many superb shots at Chilled Heat.
JumpClub points to a great training video [streaming, 6.2mb .flv download] from the Airborne Trampoline National Team. These guys definitely know how to get some height.
Just got a chance to read the final part of Eric Cressey's excellent Mastering the Deadlift series (part I, part II). If you've ever wondered what benefits lie behind the many deadlift variations, read on. Superb.
How2Skate - tips, plans and more skate videos than you can poke a stick at. Beautiful.
Keith Scott takes a brief look at three quick checks you can do to see if you fall into the 'common hip problem' category. Unfortunately I do; time for a little stretching.
Vintage Barbell is getting quite a collection.